I hate to respond to a problem by creating a bunch of rules.
I think after the last board crash in the spring, I forgot to replace the rules regarding 'pictures', or they aren't real clear.
Generally, 'scantily clad' pictures are OK in any forum. The key word is 'clad'.
Anything involving nudity, belongs in the 'Clubhouse' forum. Pictures depicting sexual acts aren't allowed.
I'd prefer no profanity, but heck, I can't understand what the Aussies are saying half the time, anyway. I think they're cussing!
As much as I'd like to provide a place KIDS can learn about bikes, this isn't it!
There's a disclaimer on the top of each page 'Over 18...)
The board is targeted toward the tastes of the average adult rider.
I would like to see more female riders participating in the board, and have offered in the past to give them a separate forum to escape our good natured, testosterone driven, banter.
The 'clubhouse' forum is kind of an experiment, and allows a little more 'adult' content, but, despite repeated requests from Landry, and our members in Australia and New Zealand, I'm not going to allow graphic depictions of bestialityinvolving sheep!
(just checking to see if any one is reading this....)
I probably haven't been policing the threads like I ought to, and/or haven't made the rules as clear as they could be.
I'll talk to the other ADMINS, and see what they think....if we've been screwing up, who we can blame besides Landry, etc.