once again, this board rocks...thank you guys for all the tips
I've got some more questions after reading the links and the post here...
I'll look into lubing up that chain before i leave, the guy before me packed it up with grease and it took me forever and a whole can of chain cleaner to get that off...it is now lubed with a chain lube i bought at a local shop
I'll pull the battery out, but I won't be trickle charging it since I don't have a charger...I figure I'll just charge it when I get back using my friend's charger..will that be ok??!?!?!?!
I'll change the oil and fill it up fresh before I leave...someone recommended running Sea foam in the crank case to clean it out before I change oil and fill it to the top...is that good?
I'll add stabil (wut is that by the way?...is that a brand? will sea foam do?) to a fresh tank of gas and run it to get it into the carbs
I'll see about putting it on wood....you mean real wood? like slide some planks under my bike? Wut about putting it on my center stand?
I'll plug up all the holes and cover it...and leave it in my garage
I'm really starting to love this bike...it's very easy to ride and has enough power to keep me happy at least for a while, so I don't think I'm quite done with riding it yet
that was my list of things to do with the bike before I leave...if im leaving anything out please let me know
once again, thank you guys for all you help!