Author Topic: Move To China And Get A Harley For $1360!!!  (Read 3561 times)

Offline jbrough7

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Move To China And Get A Harley For $1360!!!
« on: April 13, 2006, 07:08:37 AM »

Harley-Davidson opens first store in China

Globe and Mail Update

BEIJING, China — Hog heaven has come to China. Harley-Davidson Inc. opened its first dealership in China on Saturday, with promises to bring its trademark easy-riding attitude to bikers in the world's most sought-after market.

"All around the world, it's been synonymous with freedom, open roads, raw power and good times and we expect the same things . . . here," said David Foley, managing director of Harley-Davidson Asia's China division.

The 139-square-metre showroom and workshop sits just on the edge of the Fourth Ring Road - about a 20-minute drive from the heart of town - where farmers can still be seen pushing carts on the street.

Parked in the centre of the store were a handful of sleek, chrome-leather Harley models gleaming under spotlights. Customers were posing for photos with the bikes and exclaiming how shiny there were.

The walls were lined with shelves stocked with parts, accessories, merchandise and collectibles. Among them were Beijing Harley-Davidson T-shirts, earrings, trademark leather caps and jackets and even motor oil. After-sale services will also be offered along with rider training and events including organized rides.

"Harley-Davidson has succeeded for 100 years. We hope China will continue that trend for another 100 years," said Hollis Zhao, general manager of the Beijing dealership.

Entry to the Chinese market has long been a goal of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based company, given the country's booming economy and its citizens' growing spending power. In 2001, after China joined the World Trade Organization, import restrictions, quotas and tariffs also dropped substantially for foreign motorcycle manufacturers.

But market penetration is expected to be gradual, mainly because of riding restrictions in most large cities. In Beijing, for example, motorcycles are banned from major streets on the Second, Third and Fourth Ring Roads, the capital's thoroughfares. Motorcycles have been barred from almost all the main streets in Shanghai and the city stopped accepting motorcycle registrations in 2002.

Another challenge is the price of the bikes, which range from 10,000 yuan (about $1,360) to 30,000 yuan ($4,230). Urban incomes average about $2,485 a year in Beijing.

"Those are significant barriers for us," Foley said. "But . . . we're taking a long-term perspective. We're going to take our time to build our brand, build our customers. We still believe this market has a great potential."

Foley declined to provide any revenue projections or give any details on plans for future stores, citing company policy.

"The motor vehicle industry has taken off. We see more people than ever enjoying motor vehicles," he said. "At the same time, you're also seeing an entire leisure industry really taking off, more people taking time to enjoy themselves. These two things are really what we're all about."

Outside the store, dozens of motorcycle enthusiasts roared into parking spots on their bikes, many with long hair, beat-up leather jackets and caps or headscarves.

Zhao Hong, 23, had a ponytail and an eyebrow piercing. His girlfriend rode on the back of his vintage Harley, a miniature dog in her purse.

"Harleys are like no other bikes," said Zhao, who works in advertising. "It's about the spirit. You feel like a hero when you're riding one. My heart beats so fast when I ride mine, I always have to smoke a cigarette and drink some water afterward."

Dong Fang, a 40-year-old artist, handpainted an eagle on his Harley Road King.

"It brings freedom to my spirit," said Dong, who sported a black cap pulled low over his sunglasses. "Harleys represent the tears of a man. Men can be happy, they can be sad. When men are sad and they want to cry, they get on the bike and ride off."

Offline Red01

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Move To China And Get A Harley For $1360!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2006, 10:15:25 AM »
But where are you gonna ride it?

One of my co-workers is getting ready to retire and move to China, where his wife already owns a couple of stores, runs a business as a professional fashion photographer and they have a new condo. He has to sell his old Honda CB350 because it's too big to get licensed in China (without costing an arm and a leg). The article mentions the restrictions on where riding is allowed, but doesn't really touch on the licensing bit.

I have a feeling they left a zero out of those Yuan prices, too.
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Offline tacoman

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« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2006, 01:59:15 PM »
I read that the cost of a Harley will be something like 2 years wages for the average Chinese worker.  I think they've mentioned something about a long term lease or something.  At least in China they don't have to worry about emissions

Offline Desolation Angel

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Move To China And Get A Harley For $1360!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2006, 02:30:53 PM »
Someone's retiring to totalitarian Communist China?  :shock:   Wow.  I would not be comfortable with that.  :danger:

Offline Sven

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Move To China And Get A Harley For $1360!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2006, 04:01:49 PM »
Quote from: "Desolation Angel"
Someone's retiring to totalitarian Communist China?

No, no, no, retirees ride Gold Wings!
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Offline jbrough7

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Move To China And Get A Harley For $1360!!!
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2006, 04:54:21 PM »
Rode to work today and a guy on a Harley tried to go beside me and give me the thumbs up and such!!!   I kept kicking at him until he eased off and turned at the next light.  Can't stand those harley shmucks!  I'm going to start carrying a switch to beat the panzies off with!@!! :gatlin

Offline Red01

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Move To China And Get A Harley For $1360!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2006, 11:41:39 AM »
Quote from: "Desolation Angel"
Someone's retiring to totalitarian Communist China?  :shock:   Wow.  I would not be comfortable with that.  :danger:

Me neither! He keeps telling me how great it is and how it's not like we percieve it to be. Maybe that's true if you've got money? He's shown me some nice pics of the scenery, but that wouldn't be good enough for me.
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Offline Vidrazor

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Move To China And Get A Harley For $1360!!!
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2006, 01:05:13 PM »
>>Someone's retiring to totalitarian Communist China? Shocked Wow. I would not be comfortable with that.<<

Yeah really. How could you move a from a a totalitairian Corporate Imperialist Dictatorship disguised as a democracy to a totalitarian Communist regime? I just don't get it...

Offline Red01

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Move To China And Get A Harley For $1360!!!
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2006, 01:07:57 PM »
It doesn't seem to bother them that he was a Captain in the Army and flew spy planes in Viet Nam either...  :monkeymoon:
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Offline tacoman

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« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2006, 01:47:06 PM »
What is it with Boeing workers and China?  My wife's uncle is a retired Boeing VP and goes there all the time, loves it.   He sold planes there so he knows a lot of people.  He's been talking about setting up an import business.  Great we tell him, more cheap China junk coming in.  He got mad when we started calling him WayneMart.

Offline Desolation Angel

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Move To China And Get A Harley For $1360!!!
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2006, 02:24:24 PM »
Quote from: "Red01"
It doesn't seem to bother them that he was a Captain in the Army and flew spy planes in Viet Nam either...  :monkeymoon:

I promise you he and his family and friends and associates will be watched closely forever by the secret police.  Any perceived transgressions and no one will be able to help him.  I imagine he realizes this and is not naive.

Offline jbrough7

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Move To China And Get A Harley For $1360!!!
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2006, 02:56:03 PM »
You are definitely right on.  A few years back when the cold war was still going on, my boss learned russian and subscribed to Pravda magazine.  I told a relative high up in canadian gov.t and he checked it out.  the subscription had been noted and the guy was being watched.

hey - if I buy a ural; will somebody in a black car wearing sunglasses follow me around?? :lol:
