Author Topic: A cager almost got me  (Read 5812 times)

Offline Have Blue

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Re: A cager almost got me
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2008, 12:51:29 AM »
  Damn Blue, Sounds like their gunnin' for ya :yikes:
   Glad you made it out alright. I'm so used to the rual roads that I ride on(and still you get the occasionals that pull in front or cut you off.) I havn't had any close calls in awhile, and thats the way I like it. I'm thinking I'm safer when doing track days.  Dan

I havent had a close call since August 7th, 2006.  So it isnt too bad.  This last one should not have slipped through my "radar".   That will not happen again in this type of situation.   Here is a description of my Aug 06 confrontation.  There was nothing I could have done to avoid this one.  Well, short of not using the bike that day.  LOL

I was out for a ride yesterday morning on the Bandit12S on one of my favorite
twisty, two lane, blacktop back roads. The road winds through foothills with a lot of blind up hill and down hill sharp curves. I'm approaching one section where the road crests a hill with a left curve centered on the top of the hill. The first half of the curve is uphill, 2nd half down hill. As the road leaves the curve going down hill, it is about 300 feet to the 2nd curve which is the same, but turning right. Between the two curves is a ravine at the transition from down hill to up hill. As one reaches the ravine, there is a dip deep enough that a car in the dip is invisible for a second to oncoming traffic. As I complete and exit the first left turn and start down hill towards the ravine, coming into view on the next hill curve are three vehicles, bumper to bumper. 1st is a white Taurus, followed by a black F250 dualie and then a gold Toyota. A second later, I pass into the dip and loose sight of the oncoming traffic. On emerging from the dip and reacquiring my targets, I'm instantly confronted with the F250 being alongside the white Taurus in mid pass even though the whole section is double yellow lines. The tree line is dense and there is no shoulder. The truck is approaching at about 75 mph and I'm traveling about 55mph. The confrontation begins with about 100 feet of space between us and a closure rate of aprox 130 mph. Stopping for either of us is impossible. Going offroad would be like trying to weave through dock pilings as the woods are thick and nearly to the road edge. Its a simple decision as there is only one option and half a second to set it up. I flick the bike left onto the centerline. Luck is with me, its a good flick and the bike centers on the line like a monorail as I slip between the side by side Taurus and F250 with a couple of inches to spare on both my mirrors.  A flash of color and motion later, and I'm clear.

Some may think, too scary, and stop riding because its too dangerous.
I look at it as the opposite. If I had been in my truck, it would not have been possible to avoid a head on. Once again, being on a motorcycle has been a blessing.

03 B12 S
79 XS400

Offline Have Blue

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Re: A cager almost got me
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2008, 01:45:31 AM »
Not all my attention getting experiences have been close calls.  This Happened about five years ago.  Maybe some will enjoy the read.  Its about a hurricane ride.

The weather was storm fronts and thunderheads in all directions and had been since my early morning departure. I had headed south from near the Georgia line, going towards Miami,  and had reached a point about 100 miles north of home around 4 pm. A black storm front and gusting winds had descended from the north and followed me most of the day. By 4 pm, there was also a lightening storm front a few miles to my east and headed my way, and there were rainclouds to the west. I could clearly see the columns of rain pouring out of the westerly clouds. An approaching hurricane was moving towards me from from the south and that was the worst weather of all. The sprinkling rain and relatively clear patch of earth and sky I was riding in was soon to disappear as the fronts were converging on my position from four directions. I stopped alongside the road when with less than a mile in any direction, I could see a white wall of water on a background of gray, turning to black, as day became night. The hiss of lightening audibly turned the rain to steam. It was time to resort to my rain suit. I barely had the suit fastened down, helmet and gloves back on and ready when it reached me. I figured the best thing to do was just stay there, brace myself and the bike up and wait for however long it took to pass by and return to a reasonable level. The rain became harder and harder and was blowing horizontally. Lightening was so frequent and close as to be as if I were inside a flashbulb. I needed my dark face shield down if for no other reason than to not be "whiteout" blinded by the lightening. I estimated the winds a steady 40 mph with gusts probably in the 60 range.
It quickly became apparent, I would not be able stay where I was and be able to hold the bike up in these conditions for more than about 15 minutes. So while I was still fresh, I elected to choose option 1 of 1. ................go somewhere else.   

The Teddy Bear started eagerly, as if to say, "its about time one of us did something useful. I was beginning to wonder about you." The road was empty of traffic and the bear was sure footed and content to sing quietly, never missing a note.

As we started down the road, low speed control was haphazard with the high crosswinds, low visibility and necessary low acceleration. As speed increased, the water flowed off the face shield and visibility returned.
Stability increased with speed also and the wind became easier to manage.
A half mile ahead, a huge lightening bolt reached from infinity and touched the road, its blue white tunnel completely spanning both lanes. With the continuous lightening, the landscape lost all color, and took on the appearance of a black and white photograph negative.
The road became white and the water looked like mercury with horizontal rain appearing as elongated mercury bullets. Trees appeared and disappeared with each lightening flash as did the road. On the white asphalt, the mercury mirrors were the ruts and holes in the road that were filled with deep water and reflected the lightening. The shiny dark gray patches were the places were oil was saturated into the asphalt and the light gray white areas were the surfaces with thin water and no holes or ruts. The Teddy Bear glided down the roadway, picking the safe spots to cross, staying out of the deep water and off the oily patches. We drifted side to side, more like a cross between flying a plane and sailing a Hobie Cat than moving as a motorcycle. Visually, at 70 mph (the speed needed to handle the conditions) it was like threading a time tunnel or a worm hole at warp speed in a world of sliver and white, where everything was perceived as a streak. There wasnt any rolling motion noticeable.  The bike flowed as I let it run with a light grip, allowing it to compensate for the wind on its own. At one point, the wind from behind was pushing me along at 60 mph with the throttle closed. I spent an hour intently threading the needle that was the road, focusing ahead and following a river of silver shadows cast in a white world of blowing mercury with lightening for a headlight.

If I had it to do again, I would.

03 B12 S
79 XS400

Offline orionburn

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Re: A cager almost got me
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2008, 08:14:11 AM »
I had a b!tch cut me off this morning a half mile from work. It's a four lane road and she was in the left side. Apparently she wanted in my lane and the fact I was there didn't matter much. Wasn't really in danger of getting hit, but the fact that she was so indifferent to the fact I was there had my blood boiling. To top it off as I'm honking my horn and shaking my fist at her a cop drives by and doesn't even blink an eye. She pulled into the company across the street from my work. Was damned tempted to go over and give her a piece of my mind but knew it wouldn't end well with how mad I was.

Off the soapbox now...just needed to vent  :rant2: :banghead:
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.

87 FZR1000
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Offline dhcolesj

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Re: A cager almost got me
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2008, 10:03:19 AM »
Wow.  I had some fun with the weather last Friday, but it wasn't that bad.  A guy on a Sportster like bike (I think it was a sportster, not sure as I'm not a Harley knowledgeable kind of guy) helped me out and led the way around a major wreck to keep both of us out of as much rain as possible.

It seems the "scary moments" come in spurts.  I hear of folks going a long time with no incidents, and then next thing you know they're getting them back to back, like Blue did.  It may be that we go so long without one, that we get complacent, I don't know.  I'm just glad I haven't had any in a while.
See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

'08 1250S Bandit

Offline Have Blue

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Re: A cager almost got me
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2008, 03:03:56 PM »
Wow.  I had some fun with the weather last Friday, but it wasn't that bad.  A guy on a Sportster like bike (I think it was a sportster, not sure as I'm not a Harley knowledgeable kind of guy) helped me out and led the way around a major wreck to keep both of us out of as much rain as possible.

It seems the "scary moments" come in spurts.  I hear of folks going a long time with no incidents, and then next thing you know they're getting them back to back, like Blue did.  It may be that we go so long without one, that we get complacent, I don't know.  I'm just glad I haven't had any in a while.

Perhaps I'm slightly demented, LOL but at the time, I did'nt feel the storm was a bad ride, and although it required intense concentration, it was enjoyable.  I don't search out bad weather for grins, but I was suprised at how severe the weather can be and still be within the capabilities of a motorcycle.  The bike handles winds at least as well and probably better than my car.

03 B12 S
79 XS400