Author Topic: New Slip-on!!!  (Read 5895 times)

Offline RDUBandit

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New Slip-on!!!
« on: June 29, 2006, 10:34:25 PM »
Hi All.  I just installed a Yoshimura slip-on on my B12.  WOW!!  What a beeeeeautiful sound.  My butt-dyno says a few more ponies as well!!

However, there is a little popping on de-acceleration.  Is this something that I can fix, or will I need to re-jet/take it to the shop?

2004 Bandit 1200S (>92k miles; lotsa mods; SOLD)
2002 Bandit 1200 (>13k miles; more mods)
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IBA Member #28454

Offline Dundee

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« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2006, 10:52:43 PM »
i like your all-black "stealth mode" :grin:
mine has an rs-3, and it was tuned by my mechanic before I took delivery. the popping seems to pretty much normal, i love it, very 'fruity'. even with heaps of dyno tune, there would likely still be some pop on the overrun.
2001 GSF1200S

Offline RDUBandit

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« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2006, 10:55:31 PM »
Cool!!  Thanks!
2004 Bandit 1200S (>92k miles; lotsa mods; SOLD)
2002 Bandit 1200 (>13k miles; more mods)
1997 Bandit 1200 (>3k miles; most mods)
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Offline Seanybiker

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« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2006, 11:53:55 PM »
I got popping from my one. you can getit rejetted and you wont notice any difference really but you willmore than likely have the popping,. I love the popping. me naighbours dont though. which makes it better lol

Offline solman

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« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2006, 12:02:24 AM »
I have two bikes with aftermarket exhausts and both do the same thing.
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!

Offline jeepskate99

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« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2006, 06:27:53 PM »
PAIR removal will help!
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Offline PaulVS

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« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2006, 07:07:36 PM »
I have a 2003, Yosh RS-3 Titanium, Ivan's Jet kit... and no popping.  More of a soft burble.

Offline Dragbike

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« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2006, 12:16:17 AM »
Popping means you have a hole/leak in the system, when you decelerate you suck air (oxygen) into the pipe and ignites any unburned fuel that might be in your system and causes another explosion in the pipe.
OK, You have a leak in your system make sure all of the pipe connections are airtight.   :motorsmile:
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Offline Daytona

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Re: New Slip-on!!!
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2006, 01:15:23 AM »
="RDUBandit"]Hi All.  I just installed a Yoshimura slip-on on my B12.  WOW!!  What a beeeeeautiful sound.  My butt-dyno says a few more ponies as well!! However, there is a little popping on de-acceleration.  Is this something that I can fix, or will I need to re-jet/take it to the shop?Thanks,  Dave
 If its a slip on with the mid pipe all in one YES! Rule is just a bolt on NO. The after market can & midpipe has much less back pressure than the stock one with the baffling screen. You will have to go for bigger main jets / adjustable slide pins and primary jets. Your TPS will need adj also! Your running way too lean & if you notice the headers turning a blue color you may damage the top end! :boohoo:   :beers:

Offline IcyChaos

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« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2006, 04:30:43 AM »
while the popping sounds neat, it basically means your running lean. You've added more air but not more fuel to your system. A rejet will fix this, and would geive you more power as well.

If I was going to rejet I would go ahead and buy a stage 2/3 and add the pods. The B12 opens up greatly with these additions.

Offline Daytona

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« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2006, 11:35:11 AM »
From the looks of your rig, your not into making your 2G B12 a twisty only rippin monster! [Busa want to be] ( this should stir the pot) For a dependable tourer i would stick with the stock airbox, do the opening up of it, 2" hole or 12 3/16" K&N if you want with the stage two. Just because if you get caught out in the elements Like a down pour/deluge the pods can B a prob!!! :yesno:  :argue:  :blah:  :clubme:  :beers:  :beers:


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« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2006, 04:09:25 PM »
How do you guys get it means your running lean?

As someone previously stated there is probably a leak in the exh. somewhere and it's getting air in and igniting the UNBURNED FUEL

My 1g has hella popping going on, is it because it's lean, no the plugs look awesome. It's because I couldn't get an exh. donut in time, so I made one from rtv and it's shot, it's sucking air between the mid and can.

In most cases of popping, it's only during abrupt decel. in which the carbs have dumped fuel but the slides are closed, so not enough air eqauls extra fuel to run into the exh. system. air hits it in a warm exh. boom we have combustion.

Offline RDUBandit

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New Slip-on!!!
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2006, 04:48:51 PM »
Hmmm...if anything, I thought it might mean that I was running rich -- fuel in the can that was combusting.  Lean is bad, maybe I'll run it by the shop Monday.
2004 Bandit 1200S (>92k miles; lotsa mods; SOLD)
2002 Bandit 1200 (>13k miles; more mods)
1997 Bandit 1200 (>3k miles; most mods)
2005 Ducati Monster S4R (>48k miles; ditto)
2003 Triumph Speed Triple (SOLD)
2013 Yamaha FJR1300 (5k miles)
IBA Member #28454

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« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2006, 05:06:18 PM »
="NCBANDIT"]How do you guys get it means your running lean?

As someone previously stated there is probably a leak in the exh. somewhere and it's getting air in and igniting the UNBURNED FUEL

My 1g has hella popping going on, is it because it's lean, no the plugs look awesome. It's because I couldn't get an exh. donut in time, so I made one from rtv and it's shot, it's sucking air between the mid and can.

In most cases of popping, it's only during abrupt decel. in which the carbs have dumped fuel but the slides are closed, so not enough air eqauls extra fuel to run into the exh. system. air hits it in a warm exh. boom we have combustion.
Ok then! Maybe i'm not getting the whole picture here! The 1G and the 04 aren't close to the same fuel setting's from factory! The 1G can be run with some minor air box opening up, with a bolt on race core! and with a slip on @ sea level. Say here in Daytona area. Don't even think about doing that with a 2G! If you did force it to run it would cook the top end valves, pistons in short order! Yes if you have a leak @ the exh port in the head could be causing that kind of stuff maybe! He must not have carbs sync rite and should be smelling gas @ idle! Also plugs should be a dark tan, has to be pulled at all rpm ranges to tell. Where the lean damage will occur is at hi revs! Eng will need to be cut off @ the hi rpm coasted and then plugs read! The leak if he has one needs to be stopped anyway! Hope that fixes his popping...   :bigok:  :beers:  :motorsmile:    

Offline Daytona

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New Slip-on!!!
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2006, 05:16:10 PM »
="RDUBandit"]Hmmm...if anything, I thought it might mean that I was running rich -- fuel in the can that was combusting.  Lean is bad, maybe I'll run it by the shop Monday.
Unless its been monkey'd with its lean! They are already, and any mods to the airbox even a K&N filter will give you a prob on the very lean 2G. Carbs are not making it anymore for the EPA regs. If the epa caps are still on the bottom of the  carb where the fuel air mixture is? They haven't been touched, and will need to be removed to turn the mix out to richer to idle rite. One other test you can do is blip it! If it goes below normal idle and then levels off [rich] stays above and then to reg idle [lean].... :beers: