I guess I like riding at night so much, I think I'm the only one here who's taken their portrait with their bike at night! 
Ha! My avatar is done at night. She's lit by a street light.
There I was laying in the middle of the street in a crappy (and somewhat scary) area of town, trying to get "just the right shot". The other half was running "spotter" for me, watching for cars, and muggers.

Better still is the fact that that was when her battery was fried, and we had to bump start her to get her going. Musta looked like we were stealing her.
That said, you'd be hardpressed to find a pic of me anywhere on the net with or without the bike, if I can help it.
Vidrazor, it occurs to me you asked for a bigger pic of her, I think you might have been a casualty when I was madly cleaning up my private messages, send me a PM with your email address, and we'll talk.
Nowadays, I don't do a lot of riding at night. It's often too cold for my liking, and the lack of visibility makes me nervous, especially on the 919 for some reason. Of course, if I was just in the city still, it wouldn't be a big deal, but the 20kms on the highway at the very beginning and the very end of the ride decide it for me. Especially cos I have seen porcupines on that highway. Just about got it in my favorite four wheeler, I suspect that one of those will end your day pretty badly on a two wheeler at highway speeds.