Author Topic: police  (Read 9656 times)

Offline wheeliekev

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« on: August 15, 2006, 10:10:35 AM »
what are the police like in america with regards to riding like a twat, the english police generally want to give us points or ban us for almost anything, obviously there have been a few exceptions but not often enough, wheelies, stoppies and spinning the rear wheel are normally enough to wind them up even where the roads are clear or hardly used, its not like we do it close to traffic or in towns etc :grin:
02 bandit 1216, wheelie fanatic

Offline kevinfromrex

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« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2006, 10:46:20 AM »
I recently was utilizing my modified hemi powered pickup truck to exceed the speed limit while traveling home from work.
An Officer came off an on ramp behind me and paced me for a good distance at 91 miles and hour.
When he pulled me over he was mad, took my license back to his car to write me up and came back and wrote me a ticket for 80 miles and hour (15 miles and hour over limit) and said he was a bike rider and didnt want my insurance company to drop my coverage because of the excessive amount over the limit, said he was a rider himself!
Very cool!

But my friends experience caught wheelieing and excessive speeding hasnt been good, hes paying $4200 per year for insurance and is going to get dropped for the next incident, no matter what it is.
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Offline Daytona

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Re: police
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2006, 11:35:25 AM »
="wheeliekev"]what are the police like in america with regards to riding like a twat, :grin:
If you have been to any bikeweek/speedweek/biketoberfest, events here. You know what the Port Orange Police stand for! Turn around son your goin to jail!!! :duh:  :boohoo:  :beers:  :motorsmile: :cop:  :wtf:  :suzmoto:

Offline banditII

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« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2006, 06:39:59 PM »
Cops here frown on wheelie's and the like for sure. You just have to pick you time and places carefully, not wheelie past the Mayor's office etc...
Riding motorcycles..........and loving it! :-)


Offline Dave 02 1200

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« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2006, 07:14:02 PM »
If you exceed the speed limit but don't seem to endangering anyone, most LEOs are fairly understanding.  They have more serious matters to attend to.  However, if you appear to be showing off, are out of control, or could be a danger to yourself or someone else, they will do what they are paid to do.  Simply put, if you ride like a jerk, they will treat you like a jerk. I have a quiet bike, wear protective gear, and keep a low profile.  That seems to help me ride faster without problems.  Good luck.
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« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2006, 07:49:25 PM »
Well since I am the police I can tell you that I like to ride like a "twat" too. I usually don't get too pissy with people. When people are decent to me, I return the favor. I usually tell them to take their wheelies out in the country. They don't really belong in town because of the traffic volume.

Techically though, you can be placed in the pokey around here for riding wheelies. I look at it like this: You are only going to hurt yourself if you don't ride with some common sense around other traffic. A motorcyclist is not likely to injure the driver of a car in a crash.

Offline smooth operator

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« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2006, 07:24:24 AM »
The drywall finisher @ the new house I'm tiling is the president of the Boss hoss club in the states. At one of their meets,they were doing burnouts and a couple cops came over. !st he handed out a ticket,but ended up throwing it out. He asked to see one done,so some guy labled"Crazy Larry" did one with a cammara man in front of him heading at the cop car. Had the back end going from 1 side to the other til he got up close and went off to the side. Another cop came racing in thinking they may need back up. The 1st cops said"You just missed it!"
  All ended well.        Dan

Offline banditoverde

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« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2006, 03:00:44 AM »
I too am a police and I too ride like a twat sometimes.  I like riding like a twat but I try to limit my twat like riding to places where I impact no one but me and the side of the mountain.  Any fellow twat who shows similar restraint is likely to get gentle treatment when I am doing the police thing.   Twats who display their excessive twatness in traffic seldom get any love.  Moderate twatness is tolerable and treated with some restraint provided the twatness is accompanied by a significant amount of "oops, sorry about that."  Any level of twatness accompanied by a shite attittude receives the utmost in police service and attention.

Twat is such a good word. I like twat. Why don't we in the states use it more?

Offline B6mick

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« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2006, 06:51:13 AM »
Starting to sound like a twats annonymous meeting, "Hi my name is B6mick, and I'm a twat. A recovering twat, but I'll always be a twat, but I'm getting by, just one twat day at a time." :motorsmile:  :wink:
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Offline lucas

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« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2006, 03:25:46 AM »
Twat is a twat? :?:

Offline mattt

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« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2006, 05:58:28 AM »
i think those twats you were talking about are female body parts - The directory for motorcycle enthusiasts.

Offline B6mick

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« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2006, 07:01:26 AM »
ouch that hurt. :danger:
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Offline Daytona

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Re: twat?
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2006, 09:23:52 AM »
="lucas"]Twat is a twat? :?:
??? Is there different types of twats? Or do you have to meet certain criteria for twatiness? The person riding side saddle, past me, on I 95, @ 108+, in truck traffic, last night, was a twat in my opinion! or was that a female body partiness? Is there nascar twatiness, John Force twatiness, or Moto GP twatiness????   :shock:  :?:  :duh:  :beers:  

Offline B6mick

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« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2006, 06:25:00 AM »
Well, speaking for myself, i'm just your general, all round, can only hurt myself twat. :wink:
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« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2006, 11:22:33 PM »
I have also found that if you keep your "twat" like riding to the backroads, which i always do. Then usually the cops just keep on cruising by.

About 3 weeks ago I came around a nice corner in TN with my knee on deck and about 20-30 over the limit, as soon as i settle in and look on through, there is a TN highway patrol looking dead at me. Now while I probably deserved 1 for that, he didnt bother giving chase. I didn't run, but rolled to the bottom of the mtn. and sat for a few, when I headed back up, he was sitting there. I parked and proceeded to talk to everyone there, he never approached me. I chalked it up as my lucky day and went home.

I think having gear on, having a clear road, and being in control of your ride helps make their minds up sometimes.