Author Topic: Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa  (Read 12295 times)

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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2006, 08:16:08 AM »
I saw that on the Suzuki website too.  There's also a center-stand kit listed under misc. that lists for $134.95.  I can't tell what the difference is between the two.  I told the dealer I wanted a centerstand and they quoted me a price of $120, so I guess I'm getting the kit.  Anyone know the difference between the center stand for $219 and the kit for $134?

I like that color scheme Daytona.  That would've been my first choice if it were available.
2005 Bandit 1200S

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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2006, 09:02:05 AM »
Quote from: "BHolland"
Age has nothing to do with, ride what you like. I will be 60 my next birthday, and untill th Bandit, I had GSXRs and a RF 900. :motorsmile:

You can say that again. Age is relative to how old you act.

This dude was flying combat in F-4's well into his mid 40's. Not only fly, but kick mucho a$$ along the way. Name is Robin Old's, not only a double ace in WWII, multiple Mig killer in SE Asia circa 1967 as well.

Now what were we saying about clip-ons? :lol:
2005 GSF1200SZ
1983 GS750ED
1992 900SS

"The quality of the kite matters little, sucess depends upon the man sitting in it" Manfred Von Richthofen

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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2006, 10:11:05 AM »
Ok guys some age better than others! I for one feel my 54 years every day i go to that stinkin rat hole of a Fu^%^*( job and workin 4 that F*(%#@# a$$ hole  of a boss!!   Hey sorry about that! Kinda loosing it! Hey if you want a C stand on her i would get it in the deal from the dealer! But install it yourself. They say you have to drop the exhaust headers but i didn't just a little pryin and the bolt went rite in. I could install one in 20 min start to finish! Ebay has em at anytime one just went off for $75.00 new! one that is always on for $119.00 Hey if you don't mind you need to join or visit this site;f=12;t=64571; and just do some reading. They are great folk there and can be addictive like here. One thing is real with the busa THE SIDE STAND WILL FOLD UP AND DOWN SHE GOES!!!! But if parked with care no probs. I almost dropped mine twice while on Bandit get to gether. slight push fwd or park heading  down hill and over it can go. BTW the chrome wheels and Yoshi exh is on ebay if your interested. # 120065067645

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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2006, 10:54:34 AM »
Quote from: "BHolland"
Age has nothing to do with, ride what you like. I will be 60 my next birthday, and untill th Bandit, I had GSXRs and a RF 900. :motorsmile:

You can say that again. Age is relative to how old you act.

This dude was flying combat in F-4's well into his mid 40's. Not only fly, but kick mucho a$$ along the way. Name is Robin Old's, not only a double ace in WWII, multiple Mig killer in SE Asia circa 1967 as well.

Now what were we saying about clip-ons? :lol:
Hey i bet i worked on that E model in the background!! Poontang Thailand 69 to 73.. The good old days....

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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #34 on: December 15, 2006, 11:07:49 AM »
Quote from: "H2RICK"
Age has nothing to do with, ride what you like. I will be 60 my next birthday, and untill th Bandit, I had GSXRs and a RF 900.

Well, bholland, my helmet is off to you.
Unfortunately your theory is fine only as long as your physical and mental capacities are still up to speed (no pun intended).
My eyesight isn't what it used to be and I've also noticed that my decision-making abilities are actually slowing down. I'm sure if I got on a Gixxer thou or a 'Busa I'd end up in serious difficulties very soon, mainly because things happen so quickly[/u] on both those bikes. I have a feeling I'd be "behind the curve" for quite awhile on either of those bikes.....
Yes, I know, you only have to turn the loud handle so far....but both of those bikes have a VERY steep learning curve and I don't think my faculties would allow me escape unscathed, never mind what the bike would look like afterwards.
Nope, I think the Bandit is going to be the limit for me for the forseeable future, barring my physical/mental resurrection..... :wink:
You know i find that so not rite with the Hayabusa! It is and will be a very good tourer! They make the clip on's that will help with the neck ache some may get from the head tilt up, and With Corbin beetles or just a set of soft saddles and com-on-mama lets go X country. The Gixxer's or Cbrr's are for the Squids or race track IMO That's why zuki gave it this GSX1300R she can do it all! Haul the load or will snap the neck of a Crotch rocket on the straight and on the twisties in the right hands. Or will chug around with me like a cruiser. :motorsmile:

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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #35 on: December 19, 2006, 03:59:48 AM »
hey kent conrats on the new bike. hope to see it on some southern ohio roads next summer. heck sloper rode his busa to the last rally i went to and he was a bit (being nice there ) older then kent is. he loved his for touring on he had a three bag set up on the back said it was great for touring on. hope to see the bike next spring on some c.o.r.e rides.

Berea, Ohio
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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #36 on: December 19, 2006, 12:24:48 PM »
Like the Bandit these are easy to do some cheap mods to. IMO who needs more from the eng I won't ever use what the give from the factory. Just pipes, some paint and elbow grease and ebay and i'm happy. Sliders, C-stand.

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Busa for a Bandit
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2007, 03:47:24 AM »
I have a Bandit , I rode a Busa, Busa is as easy to ride a Bandit. You do not have to crank open the throttle, a Busa is very easy just to ride quietly, then gun it safely on the straights.It is a far more sophisticated bike from the dash through to the massive rear swingarm, they are certainly one icon of a bike, I am going to buy a Busa and then hold onto it, one day(20years) they will be a sought after bike
just like the old 900 Kwakas are now. As long as you you look after it.
Red 2001 1200 BanditS

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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #38 on: January 16, 2007, 01:42:30 PM »
Hey a link to Stunt wars in lakeland FL last weekend Aol public album so it should be seeable and a pic of my latest tinkerings.Oh and these guys stopped by and said i could keep these they were getting new ones this year!!! :beers:

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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2007, 04:41:19 AM »
Daytona may I ask whats up with the small exhaust pipe? Did you get rid of the cans? Why? Can you explain?
2002 Silver 1200S
Two Brothers slip on
Busa shock
Power Bronze Hugger
Zero Gravity Double Bubble
Ivan`s jet kit and air box mod

Ya gota love a 1200 torque monster.

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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2007, 09:30:07 AM »
Just tryin some stuff that they say can't be done or haven't tried. Home made chrome shorties with the Poman's baffle system. Worked great but is a bit to loud for my hood. Any one going to Jennings this week end?


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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #41 on: January 18, 2007, 11:01:47 AM »
Very nice bike and you made a good decision too enjoy it before you cant. At 50 I try and go trail riding everyday on my DRZ400 which really exercised my balance and agility. Then when I climb aboard my 05 B12 I feel like I am riding something so simple and seem much more focused and agile. When I think of the Busa, the white color model always comes to mined with really makes the Japanese symbols stand out.

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New Hayabusa
« Reply #42 on: March 25, 2007, 02:55:24 AM »
I got my 2006 Hayabusa March 13. I hated to get rid of the Bandit, after 7 years I was pretty attached to her. The dealer gave me a decent price for her.  Planning on taking my 1st real ride on the Busa tomorrow.  :motorsmile:
Kent 2006 Suzuki Hayabusa

Offline Robbieukb12

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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #43 on: March 25, 2007, 05:58:06 AM »
After reading all that i now want a Busa :motorsmile:
2002 B12s
Ivan's jet kit
Scorpion exhaust

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Replacing The Bandit1200 With A '06 Hayabusa
« Reply #44 on: March 25, 2007, 10:00:04 AM »
Quote from: "Robbieukb12"
After reading all that i now want a Busa :motorsmile:
You won't regret it Bloke! :beers: ! Its the finest all around, looks better every time you look at it, performs better every time you ride it, and the price is comin down all the time here. . They sold some 06's here over B week 4 $9200.00 +++  How much are the B King with 1299cc Busa eng going 4 over there?