Author Topic: Second Mid-Ohio race  (Read 6438 times)

Offline Tundrahog

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Second Mid-Ohio race
« on: January 03, 2006, 01:39:30 PM »
I'm starting to plan my summer already (keeps me from looking at the snow), and one of my resolutions is to get to a motorcycle race this year.  

Mid-Ohio is the closest.  So does anybody know what's going on at the race in sept-oct?  After reading the press release on the AMA website a while back it sounded like they know they are going, there is going to be a special format, but didn't know anything else.

Any help would be appreciated! :thanks:

2004 Suzi B12

Offline ttewejnodnarb

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Second Mid-Ohio race
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2006, 03:10:37 PM »
They are hosting the AMA vintage moto day July 28-30 and then Honda super cycle Aug 4-6 with combo tix available for both events.  AMA superbike shootout is on for Sept 29 - Oct 1.
98 B12S

Offline ttewejnodnarb

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« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2006, 03:13:47 PM »
I would love to try for this years vintage days or the Honda event...tried in '05 but the guy I was planning on traveling with didn't want to take his R1 out in the rain to play.  Can't really blame him as the 8+ hr trip from here would be misrable in rain.  The last event would probably not work for me since right now my plans are to go back to school (at 29) and will be on bread and butter at that point.
98 B12S

Offline Tundrahog

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Second Mid-Ohio race
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2006, 09:41:32 PM »
they finally announced the format, sound like a fun weekend. :beers:

2004 Suzi B12

Offline speedytriple

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Second Mid-Ohio race
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2006, 02:56:42 AM »
i will be down there for the super cycle weekend. i am also gonna try to make it to the second race date as it is the first time they are running there. it is a good weekend, i have been 4 or 5 times to the superbike race. never been to vintage days before? guess i could try to do all three this year. it is only a 90 mile ride for me. if anyone is planning on going drop a line here and we could meet for a ride after the races.

Berea, Ohio
2000 speed triple
2002 VW gti 1.8t

Offline fritobandito

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Vintage days
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2006, 02:57:25 PM »
I've been to Vintage days twice. It's a lot of fun watching those old bikes scoot around the track. Plus, wandering the endless rows of used parts makes for a good couple of hours of fun. Also, test riding all the new bikes that vendors show up with is a blast. For some reason, Harley was the only vendor that would let you go out on the road by yourself. Everybody else took you in groups with a leader. Fun anyway.
Christ is Lord!

Offline FlyingTurtle1

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Second Mid-Ohio race
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2006, 12:29:04 AM »
:banana: Hey Speedy, I've got reservations at Jellystone campgrounds for Vintage and Superbike weekends. Last year was the first time I've missed Vintage Days sense they moved it to Mid-Ohio...some California trip got in the way :grin:   Also have some other news...I'll be changing my signature in another week or '06 FJR should be here! The Italian Whore had to go, when dealers can't get oil filters what happens if something really breaks? She's traded in and gone, just waiting for the call. I'm sorry fellas but the better half said NO more Suzui's get the bike you've wanted sense they came out ...The FJR it is. :motorsmile:  I'm also gonna try to make it to the Sept. Superbike races but might just hit it on sunday and not stay the whole weekend. Have to wait and see.
Terry Humphreys...No longer a Bandit owner
'06 FJR..stock for the moment....

Offline GaryB12VA

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Second Mid-Ohio race
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2006, 10:27:51 AM »
Hey Terry, you're going to love the FJR. I just traded my Bandit and the R1 in on a new '06 FJR last Sat. Its a Shweeet ride  :motorsmile:

I understand your situation with the Aprilia. A buddy of mine has a Falco that the engine seized up on him after 3400 miles. He waited something like 4 months for all the repair parts to arrive  :duh:

I need to put some miles on the FJR so I can get the 600 mile service done before heading to BOSS in a couple of weeks. I hope ya'll won't disown me  :wink:

Now I need to change my sig.
'06 FJR 1300A

"The person who says it can't be done shouldn't interrupt the person who is doing it"

Offline FlyingTurtle1

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Second Mid-Ohio race
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2006, 11:00:19 PM »
Well Gary I can't wait! I wanted a FJR when I bought my Bandit but that was when they said they weren't gonna bring them here. I still think this order and wait deal stinks. The weather here is SO nice and I'm afraid to take the "Whore" outta the garage for fear something will break and screw up the deal, NO Aprilia dealer in my area can get parts as it stands now. Hopefully they'll call this week.......and then :motorsmile:  Be safe and enjoy the ride!!
Terry Humphreys...No longer a Bandit owner
'06 FJR..stock for the moment....

Offline GaryB12VA

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« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2006, 11:13:59 PM »
I guess I lucked out. I was at the local dealership Sat. morning and they had 2 stock FJRs sitting on the floor. I think a lot of dealers order extra units in employee's names.

The sales manager there is a friend of mine and he gave me a smokin' deal. It was too good to pass up. I've got about 300 miles on it so far.

I love this bike  :motorsmile:
'06 FJR 1300A

"The person who says it can't be done shouldn't interrupt the person who is doing it"

Offline speedytriple

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« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2006, 12:10:33 AM »
well fella they didnt disown me yet? or did they? anyway, good choice on the bikes guys. i would love to add one to my lineup. i have been working on getting my triple more set up for long rides. might also look into getting a sprint st. or if i can find a bandit cheap set one up for touring one day.

Berea, Ohio
2000 speed triple
2002 VW gti 1.8t

Offline FlyingTurtle1

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« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2006, 09:14:41 AM »
Hey Speedy, Hinds tried to talk me into a ST and for the price I really thought about it, but I've had the FJR on my mind for too long and I worried about the parts problem I've had with the Aprilia. I know Trump has a better dealer network but....My FJR was shipped yesterday!!! :grin: Should have it by this time next week!!
Hey Frito we'll have to meet up sometime. When the bike gets here I'll probably be hitting the (NOW) Thursday night bike night at Quaker Steak.And as I said I won't be missing Mid-Ohio this year,both July weekends for sure. Gary do you think I should go ahead and make my first 2 service appointments when I pick it up? I know I'm gonna have a hard time staying off of it!!LOL  1 more week without riding....I think I can hold out.
Terry Humphreys...No longer a Bandit owner
'06 FJR..stock for the moment....

Offline GaryB12VA

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« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2006, 05:34:18 PM »
Hey Terry, thought I'd check this thread to see if you'd gotten the FJR yet. Looks like you should have it in a few days. I've got 800 miles on mine now. Riding it to WV tomorrow, and then heading to BOSS next Thurs.

Couple of things I've done so far is add the Motovation frame sliders

and some Grip Puppies.

The stock hand grips seemed a little small for my hands and the Grip Puppies make a big difference.

'06 FJR 1300A

"The person who says it can't be done shouldn't interrupt the person who is doing it"

Offline FlyingTurtle1

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Second Mid-Ohio race
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2006, 09:42:54 AM »
Hey Gary I GOT IT!! Man are you so right this thing is AWESOME. It's everything I thought it would be, I had to work yesterday so I only got to put 130 miles on it sense thursday afternoon, but i'm getting ready to go take care of that as soon as I finish posting this!! This color is so nice looking in the sun, the frame sliders sound like a great idea. Man I wish I had the time to come to BOSS even with an FJR... :grin:  I'm gonna miss this one but if there's one in the fall I'll try to make it. Gotta go for now ..ride safe.....The FlyingTurtle...on the road again!! :motorsmile:
Terry Humphreys...No longer a Bandit owner
'06 FJR..stock for the moment....