Author Topic: Service Departments in L.A  (Read 2427 times)

Offline TheBigB

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Service Departments in L.A
« on: November 15, 2005, 04:40:03 PM »
Just wondering if there is anybody out there in my neck of the woods who has anything to say about Suzuki of Van Nuys service department? I bought my bike there from Nawaz and got a great deal, but am wondering what the service department is like. The only other option that I am aware of is Del Amo in Long Beach. But I am in the Valley so...


The Big B

PS. Its nothing mechanical... i think. Crashed the bike on the 101w-405s connector at about 25 mph and dinged up the right side pretty good. It's mostly, if not entirely, cosmetic... ie, gas tank, fender, handle bars, turn signals, muffler canister...stuff like that.

Offline Swamp Rat

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Service Departments in L.A
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2005, 07:17:15 PM »
Sorry to here about the crash. I hope the rider faired out alright too.  :sad:
20003 1200s
2001 Drz 400e

Offline TheBigB

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Service Departments in L.A
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2005, 07:53:03 PM »
Alright is a good word for how I faired... Broken collar bone displaced about an inch near the AC joint. A 3" plate and four screws did the job. I am four weeks into post op and all signs suggest a full recovery.

Interesting post script to all this. I am doing the insurance dance with State Farm... they are treating me very well but in doing the math I might have been better off NOT reporting the accident to them and just paying for the repairs out of pocket. This determination involves many variables like having a 1k deductible and total dollar amount of damage, value of the bike, what i owe on the bike, buying it back as a salvage and so on and so forth, whether the other vehicle involved is really at fault and will he pay my deductible blah blah blah.... what a hassle.

Offline b4cruz

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Service Departments in L.A
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2005, 09:35:31 PM »
click here for dealers in SFV area?

you can at least call them to see how backed up they are
Its really good to know you are ready to ride
even after your insurance/repair/medical hassles. :motorsmile: