Author Topic: Squid's fault? But she is 85 and turning left...Auburn, NY  (Read 2297 times)

Offline jfudo

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Squid's fault? But she is 85 and turning left...Auburn, NY
« on: June 20, 2006, 12:50:44 PM »
I didn't know people in my town are like this, but read the short story and then check out what people have said about it...(note that the messages are in order from top to bottom)

Motorcyclist hurt in crash with car

by The Citizen staff report
Monday, June 19, 2006 1:15 PM EDT

Nicholas Reeves, of Scipio Center, remainined in critical condition Monday morning after his motorcyle collided with a car in Auburn Sunday afternoon.

The accident occurred at the intersection of West Genesee Street and Lexington Avenue at 12:35 p.m. Sunday, ejecting the 25-year-old man from his motorcyle.

Reeves was airlifted from Elbridge to University Hospital.

The driver of the car, Gertrude Capocefalo, 85, of Union Springs, was taken to Auburn Memorial Hospital where she was treated and released.

According to witnesses at the scene, Reeves was driving westbound on West Genesee Street and was said to be zig-zagging in and out of traffic at high speeds, said Auburn Police Sgt. Ed Fabrize.

Capocefalo was driving eastbound on West Genesee and was making a left turn into a parking lot off the street. Reeves' motorcycle struck the car, Fabrize said.

He was then thrown from his motorcycle and was airbound for about 80 feet before hitting the sign for Five Star bank.

No tickets have been issued. The investigation is still open.

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The Citizens' Say

betty Smith wrote on June 20, 2006 12:08 AM:"There needs to be more training for young folk, in cars and cycles. They say "It's the culture Today", but do the young care? No! They want to feel the thrill, the speed, and we all know the young are brain dead, when it comes to following rules."

Chris wrote on June 19, 2006 10:50 PM:"What a moron... ban the motorcycles? Are you deranged? Just because some idiot who probably didn't even have a motorcycle license drives like an idiot you think they should ban motorcycles? Maybe they should implement an IQ test before people are allowed to reproduce, that way morons like this guy on the bike would never be born... I've ridden a bike for 14 years, and never had a problem. But then I have some brain cells and know to drive defensively, because nobody in the cars is paying a bit of attention. Too busy on the phone or playing with their GPS... too many toys not enough attention on the road."

Paula wrote on June 19, 2006 6:11 PM:"I went by him that day and he was going real fast zig zaging thru traffic,I seen him fly thru the air like a rag doll and i also seen the end results when he landed.The need for speed will always end the same either by you getting hurt or dying or someone else.For god sakes people slow down.And the Police Dept. should start doing their jobs and enforce the laws instead of busting kids for playing basketball in the street,what a joke. "

Another Auburnian wrote on June 19, 2006 3:58 PM:"Perhaps it had something to do with a failure to use turning signals. I will not excuse the motorcyclist for reckless driving as this appears to be the case, but if the driver making a left turn was not using here turn signal, that may have contributed to the problem. I drive a motorcycle myself and must say that one must be very careful when driving one. Always drive within posted speed limits, do not zig zag, and drive VERY defensively. Keep a safe distance and expect others not to use their signals. Maybe if law enforcement would crack down on this it would help."

concern citizen wrote on June 19, 2006 3:43 PM:"perhaps now like other say maybe now police will be enforcing the law on the crotch rockets and other motorist. On there speeding and doing there stupid tricks.They need to make aware that they cant drive like there in a race .Watch other drivers .BAN THE MOTORCYCLES AND CROTCH ROCKETS ..before someone eles gets hurt."

Concerned Citizen wrote on June 19, 2006 3:21 PM:"You are is the police's fault. I also think Carrier heating caused global warming"

An Auburnian wrote on June 19, 2006 1:26 PM:"Perhaps now the police will start enforcing speed,stop sign,and stop light laws."

An Auburnian wrote on June 19, 2006 1:26 PM:"Perhaps now the police will start enforcing speed,stop sign,and stop lights laws."

Offline Red01

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Squid's fault? But she is 85 and turning left...Auburn, NY
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2006, 05:08:47 PM »
Hmmm... notice how the two posts from motorcyclists show they know how to spell and punctuate and actually have something to say besides ranting on?
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Offline Ronrdrcr

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Re: Squid's fault? But she is 85 and turning left...Auburn,
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2006, 04:49:45 AM »
Quote from: concerned citizen wrote
You are is the police's fault. I also think Carrier heating caused global warming"

That's the best line of all :lol:

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Offline KX5000

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Squid's fault? But she is 85 and turning left...Auburn, NY
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2006, 11:31:32 PM »
????? I thought the republicans were responsible for global warming? :?:  :?:
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