The stupidest thing I ever did was to let someone drive it. He wrecked it and couldn't pay for it. So I tore it all down and put it back together on another frame. And I know better!
Oh, man, I forgot about doing that! Brand new '78 GS750E. Move into an apartment with my best friend. He says, "Can I borrow your bike"? I say, "Wouldn't you rather take my car?" He says, "No, man. I haven't ridden a bike in months". Now, here comes the stupid part...
I said, "OK, here's the keys. Don't wreck it!"
He wrecked it. Almost lost his foot, too. Was touch and go for a couple of months.
Wrecked it good, too. Messed it up bad. For the next couple of years, though, I had this cool unremoveable blood stain running all down the right side engine fins. Impossible to remove. Blood is tough.
My friend didn't pay for it. Couldn't. Incapicitated for months. His insurance refused to cover the bike, either. They said if he'd been in my car, yes, but on a my bike, no. Bastages! And I was too young and dumb, and really poor, to sue them!
It was this one. I sure miss that bike.

F^ck Farmers Ins. Co.!!!