We had the Supercross here in the Seahawks Stadium (Qwest Field) Saturday. Weather was good all week, dumps on Saturday. The track was flooded, it looked more like those swamp buggy races than a Supercross. Still good though, even in bad conditions those guys are awesome. I was bragging to my buddies about only paying $2 for parking (one paid $25). Of course, I got broken in to. They split my door handle in two and pulled the rod, easy entry. Oh well, at least no broken window or scratched up door. I'm smart enough to not leave valuables in my car. They did take all my CD covers though (CDs were in the deck). They took my diesel emissions test form, strange. They left behind a nice travel blanket in its own zippered case. I priced a new door handle and its about the same value as the blanket so I guess I broke even!