Author Topic: Theft from the Webmonster??  (Read 2621 times)

Offline B12Teuton

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Theft from the Webmonster??
« on: October 13, 2005, 12:31:47 PM »
Did a Goldwinger make off with your Harbor Freight bike trailer and the DR??

If so, it's on the side of the road in CO near the Eisenhower tunnel :duh:
ATGATT (all the gear all the time!)
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Offline Mongo

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Re: Theft from the Webmonster??
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2005, 04:32:03 PM »
Quote from: "B12Teuton"
Did a Goldwinger make off with your Harbor Freight bike trailer and the DR??

If so, it's on the side of the road in CO near the Eisenhower tunnel :duh:

What's that white stuff?
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Offline PeteSC

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Theft from the Webmonster??
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2005, 04:39:29 PM »
Damn close, Manny!
   Sure looks like my DR, and trailer.   The DR has some sort of saddlebag mount, maybe Happy Trails.

   You had me worried.
  A couple of years ago, somebody was using one of my pictures, served from my site, of the little trailer to sell them on Ebay.

  A few days ago, somebody on the dr board asked me if I was selling my cheap travel trunk, since there was a picture of it on Eaby for sale.
 I looked at the link, and it is my bike, my box, sitting in front of my apartment, but it isn't being served from my site.
  Too bad, I was going to either replace the picture with a pix of a cardboard box duct taped to the rack, or something VERY pornographic!

Spartanburg, SC
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