Author Topic: Todays ride  (Read 2738 times)

Offline Big Bo

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Todays ride
« on: February 03, 2006, 10:54:08 PM »
Had a good ride today. Went to a small town 30 miles away and had breakfast. I have been riding for a year and a half. Gary has a GS1100G, shaft drive, has been riding for more than 40 years. My Bandit has a pipe and Ivans jet kit. On the way to breakfast Gary blows by me like mad. He does this 3 or 4 times. I watched my mirrors and as he was coming at about 95 mph I dropped down a gear and WOT. Gary went by and about 30 yards out I got my speed up and started pulling on him. He let off, I slowed down still behind him.

Now this is my first big bike. I looked up the specks on the GS1100G and it is right there with the Bandit. Gary told me his bike was kitted. After breakfast Gary jumped on me again. I did not hit it too hard, and Gary slowed down and we cruised to a stop sign. We took off and at 60 mph Gary jumped on it. I was ready. I kicked the Bandit down to 3rd and nailed it. I was pulling on him so fast it was not funny. He backed off, and I shut it down. I knew my bike ran pretty good but not like that. We traded bikes and Gary told me my bike was tight, nice suspinsion and stable.

I always respected Garys GS1100G, still do. But it no match for my Bandit.
2002 Silver 1200S
Two Brothers slip on
Busa shock
Power Bronze Hugger
Zero Gravity Double Bubble
Ivan`s jet kit and air box mod

Ya gota love a 1200 torque monster.

Offline oremike

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Todays ride
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2006, 11:22:30 PM »
I've noticed in a down shift and pass situation very few bikes can keep up with the Bandit. :motorsmile:
Mike M.
Ride the roads that make you giggle in your helmet.

Offline oremike

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Todays ride
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2006, 11:23:12 PM »
I've noticed in a down shift and pass situation very few bikes can keep up with the Bandit. :motorsmile:
Mike M.
Ride the roads that make you giggle in your helmet.

Offline Red01

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Todays ride
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2006, 11:28:08 PM »
The GSX1100G's motor is VERY closely related to the B12. I haven't looked up the cam specs on the G, but I'm guessing they're pretty close. The big differences are the shaft drive, 1mm smaller bore, different carbs and a balance shaft.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS