To be honest I have an '84 GS750EF with the TSCC engine with 4 valves and I never had a problem beating Harleys. Sometimes I didn't even know we were supposed to be "racing"! Never a V-rod though. My bike when new put out 84 horsepower. With the Yosh pipe on it probably around 90, due to the age of the bike it's probably around stock at 84 horsepower which still beats most Harleys, not to mention probably 100 pounds lighter.
Acording to that "All suzuki's site" it's supposed to be a 2 valve motor. But I know they had a 4 valve as well. Whether 2 or 4 valves it's going to beat a Harley!
I think the 2 valve had shaft drive, and was more "cruiser" like. Same engine different head.
Hell if it had a "one valve" reed valve setup(?) it would probably keep up with it!!

This is what I have and will be up for grabs in the spring as I bought a new bandit.

1984 GS750EF. Suprisingly, the ergos are very similar to the Bandit's