...I don't understand why the US importers couldn't let us have anything they make (that'll pass federal muster). Slower selling models could always be dealt with on an order basis, like Yamaha has done with the FJR.
I hate that
order only thing, though! I went to Yamaha for the first time in years recently, one near my house, and I thought I'd walk in to see their PRODUCT LINE. Stupid me!

In the center of the store were about 20 different cruisers (do nothing for me), across the front and all one side of the store was ATVs and Jet Ski-lookin' things, and in a corner were THREE, and THREE only sport-type bikes. The real radical kind where you lean forward and hold the front axle to steer. Nothing else. At all.
Want something else? You gotta order sight-unseen.

I don't think so. I wanted to see an FJR1300, or a Fazer, or MT-01...something.
My Suzuki shop is about as bad. Not quite as cruiser obsessed, but almost. You'll never see a Bandit there. Occasionally a V-Strom. Guess it will really be bad during the off season.
Can you imagine going to a car dealer to see their car line, but all they have are pickups? You can't even look at one of their cars...you have to order without ever sitting in it or taking a test drive. Would you buy one that way?

But the Bandit is still selling in almost every nation in the world except the USA.
I find it hard to believe that Canada, Australia, UK, et. al. have a much bigger market for a variety of motorcycles than the USA.
What do we demand from the Big 3 U.S. car manufacturers? We want sports cars, SUVS, Pick-up trucks, sedans... all the options, from every one of them.
But the American equivalent of those companies in the motorcycle arena(Suzuki/Honda/Kawasaki/Yamaha) are reduced to offering 'crotch rockets' and Harley knock-offs?
What's up with that?
Bandit = CB750 of the 21st century.
Some things just don't get obsolete, IMHO.
Yeah, I've read that in Europe the Bandits are well loved and popular. There's a psychological thing going on here with the cruisers. I don't know if it's ignorance and Harley marketing efforts that leave people thinking that cruiser are the only way to go...even if it's a fake Harley.
And yes, a shaft driven fuel injected Bandit with slightly different gearing sounds great to me! 'Course, no American but you and me would buy it.

I also get the impression that in Europe motorcycles are considered more seriously as
transportation, rather than a weekend toy for an hour ride. Come to think of it, their gas prices over there are insane, which may explain the demand for bikes.