Author Topic: US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?  (Read 10975 times)

Offline Red01

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #45 on: November 16, 2005, 10:57:44 PM »
I ask the SAME thing!

I think it's the difference in the mindset of the honchos that head the importing divisions for the Japanese Big Four in the US and their counterparts other areas. I think the US guys only want to deal with models they can sell container ships full of and screw everything else. Right now, they think young people all want crotch rockets and middle age and older riders all want cruisers or a Gold Wing. You can pretty much get ANY European bike in the US (with the exception of road going 2-strokes over 50cc, certain KTM dirt bikes for some odd reason and Suzuki powered Cagivas [part of the licensing agreement with Suzuki]). In other parts of the world, I think they're happy to sell you anything they can, so they give you all the choices possible. Tiered licensing, stiff insurance, tarrifs, etc. in many countries also make big bikes unattainable or unaffordable for many, so there are more choices in small to medium sizes. Here in the US, a 16yo kid can walk in and ride away on anything in the store - often without the dealer even requiring them to have a license, just as long as they get their $$$$.

Part of it could also be due to motorcycles being viewed as toys in the US and taken more seriously in other places.

I don't understand why the US importers couldn't let us have anything they make (that'll pass federal muster). Slower selling models could always be dealt with on an order basis, like Yamaha has done with the FJR.
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Offline Desolation Angel

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #46 on: November 17, 2005, 09:23:58 AM »
Quote from: "Red01"
...I don't understand why the US importers couldn't let us have anything they make (that'll pass federal muster). Slower selling models could always be dealt with on an order basis, like Yamaha has done with the FJR.

I hate that order only thing, though!  I went to Yamaha for the first time in years recently, one near my house, and I thought I'd walk in to see their PRODUCT LINE.  Stupid me! :duh:   In the center of the store were about 20 different cruisers (do nothing for me), across the front and all one side of the store was ATVs and Jet Ski-lookin' things, and in a corner were THREE, and THREE only sport-type bikes.  The real radical kind where you lean forward and hold the front axle to steer.  Nothing else.  At all.

Want something else?  You gotta order sight-unseen. :roll:   I don't think so.  I wanted to see an FJR1300, or a Fazer, or MT-01...something.

My Suzuki shop is about as bad.  Not quite as cruiser obsessed, but almost.  You'll never see a Bandit there.  Occasionally a V-Strom.  Guess it will really be bad during the off season.

Can you imagine going to a car dealer to see their car line, but all they have are pickups?  You can't even look at one of their have to order without ever sitting in it or taking a test drive.  Would you buy one that way? :grin:

Quote from: "PaulVS"
But the Bandit is still selling in almost every nation in the world except the USA.

I find it hard to believe that Canada, Australia, UK, et. al. have a much bigger market for a variety of motorcycles than the USA.

What do we demand from the Big 3 U.S. car manufacturers?  We want sports cars, SUVS, Pick-up trucks, sedans... all the options, from every one of them.

But the American equivalent of those companies in the motorcycle arena(Suzuki/Honda/Kawasaki/Yamaha) are reduced to offering 'crotch rockets' and Harley knock-offs?  

What's up with that?

Bandit = CB750 of the 21st century.  

Some things just don't get obsolete, IMHO.

Yeah, I've read that in Europe the Bandits are well loved and popular.  There's a psychological thing going on here with the cruisers.  I don't know if it's ignorance and Harley marketing efforts that leave people thinking that cruiser are the only way to go...even if it's a fake Harley. :duh:

And yes, a shaft driven fuel injected Bandit with slightly different gearing sounds great to me!  'Course, no American but you and me would buy it. :sad:

I also get the impression that in Europe motorcycles are considered more seriously as transportation, rather than a weekend toy for an hour ride.  Come to think of it, their gas prices over there are insane, which may explain the demand for bikes.

Offline Desolation Angel

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #47 on: November 17, 2005, 12:22:02 PM »
This appears to be the closest thing to a Bandit for us in '06, as far as I can tell.

It any good? :grin:

And maybe this for the naked guys.

Offline Red01

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #48 on: November 17, 2005, 09:38:46 PM »
No MT-01 in the USA. Canada will get 'em tho.

I don't think anyone has had a chance to test the 2G FZ1. (All I've seen are trade show impressions and spewing from the press kit.) It looks to be more sporting (and less comfortable) than the previous FZ1. Big horsepower jump (advertised 150 @ the crank) and the new FZ uses a current gen R1 lump instead of a few gens back like the last one.
2001 GSF1200S
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Offline Red01

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #49 on: November 17, 2005, 10:06:52 PM »
Quote from: "Desolation Angel"
Quote from: "Red01"
...I don't understand why the US importers couldn't let us have anything they make (that'll pass federal muster). Slower selling models could always be dealt with on an order basis, like Yamaha has done with the FJR.

I hate that order only thing, though!  I went to Yamaha for the first time in years recently, one near my house, and I thought I'd walk in to see their PRODUCT LINE.  Stupid me! :duh:   In the center of the store were about 20 different cruisers (do nothing for me), across the front and all one side of the store was ATVs and Jet Ski-lookin' things, and in a corner were THREE, and THREE only sport-type bikes.  The real radical kind where you lean forward and hold the front axle to steer.  Nothing else.  At all.

Want something else?  You gotta order sight-unseen. :roll:   I don't think so.  I wanted to see an FJR1300, or a Fazer, or MT-01...something.

It's not that I think the order program is great. Wouldn't it be better to be able to order a less popular bike than to not be able to get it at all?
(IMHO, Yamaha has proven the FJR doesn't need the program anymore - yet they continue to sell them that way...)

It may be tought to by a brand new model sight unseen, but an existing one, like the FJR, you know what they look like, and can probably manage to sit on one, especially if you're already a rider and encounter one at a stop sometime.
2001 GSF1200S
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Offline Desolation Angel

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #50 on: November 18, 2005, 09:22:42 AM »
I understand your point.

It's just the principle of the thing to me.  You sell bikes?  Stock some! :duh:  :roll:  :grin:

Offline 2005B12S

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #51 on: November 20, 2005, 10:16:10 PM »


sign me up for a GS1200SS. Why Suzuki does not bring this thing into the US is beyond me. Same powerplant as the B12 in a sportier package-who cares about the twin shocks, this is one mean looking retro machine. Brings up visions of the late '80's endurance racers.

If they decide to bring this into the US, one of my current bikes is gonna have to find a new home.

Ride On, Ed.
2005 GSF1200SZ
1983 GS750ED[/img]
2005 GSF1200SZ
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1992 900SS

"The quality of the kite matters little, sucess depends upon the man sitting in it" Manfred Von Richthofen

Offline Desolation Angel

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #52 on: November 21, 2005, 09:59:32 AM »
:clap: I've never noticed that one before.  Interesting.

Offline 2005B12S

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #53 on: November 21, 2005, 11:03:21 AM »
I hate that order only thing, though!  I went to Yamaha for the first time in years recently, one near my house, and I thought I'd walk in to see their PRODUCT LINE.  Stupid me! :duh:   In the center of the store were about 20 different cruisers (do nothing for me), across the front and all one side of the store was ATVs and Jet Ski-lookin' things, and in a corner were THREE, and THREE only sport-type bikes.  The real radical kind where you lean forward and hold the front axle to steer.  Nothing else.  At all.

Want something else?  You gotta order sight-unseen. :roll:   I don't think so.  I wanted to see an FJR1300, or a Fazer, or MT-01...something.

I see you are in Mckinney, Plano Suzuki and Sherman Powersports (exit 57 off Hwy 75) both have a pretty decent selection.
2005 GSF1200SZ
1983 GS750ED
1992 900SS

"The quality of the kite matters little, sucess depends upon the man sitting in it" Manfred Von Richthofen

Offline Desolation Angel

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #54 on: November 21, 2005, 01:59:07 PM »
Quote from: "2005B12S"
I see you are in Mckinney, Plano Suzuki and Sherman Powersports (exit 57 off Hwy 75) both have a pretty decent selection.

Plano Kawa/Suzy/Aprilia is OK sometimes.  Their big thing, though, is cruisers, ATVs, and scooters.  And dirtbikes.  You're right about Sherman's store.  I was there once and they had a lot.  Only thing is it's 45 minutes or some such up the road, while Central Yamaha is in North Allen just 10 minutes from my house.  Drat!

I went to Sherman during the summer to check 'em out.  One room was barely air conditioned, while the other wasn't at all.  Miserable experience.  To look at bikes you had to be willing to literally melt.  I wasn't.  After about 5 minutes I realized I may have taken a shower for nothing and beat it out of there.  Maybe I should give 'em a second chance.  Perhaps they're better able to afford heating, do you think? :grin:

Offline 2005B12S

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #55 on: November 21, 2005, 05:18:12 PM »
Quote from: "Desolation Angel"
Quote from: "2005B12S"
I see you are in Mckinney, Plano Suzuki and Sherman Powersports (exit 57 off Hwy 75) both have a pretty decent selection.

Plano Kawa/Suzy/Aprilia is OK sometimes.  Their big thing, though, is cruisers, ATVs, and scooters.  And dirtbikes.  You're right about Sherman's store.  I was there once and they had a lot.  Only thing is it's 45 minutes or some such up the road, while Central Yamaha is in North Allen just 10 minutes from my house.  Drat!

I went to Sherman during the summer to check 'em out.  One room was barely air conditioned, while the other wasn't at all.  Miserable experience.  To look at bikes you had to be willing to literally melt.  I wasn't.  After about 5 minutes I realized I may have taken a shower for nothing and beat it out of there.  Maybe I should give 'em a second chance.  Perhaps they're better able to afford heating, do you think? :grin:

They do not have the best showroom, but are willing to deal. Low overhead I would imagine. I went in to look at the blue/white 2005 B12 they had, I bought it that day for $6499- sticker was $7399. Did not take that much effort. Plano Suzuki would never have done that deal.

I go to Plano for parts and to brouse but I would never buy a bike from them. Their salesmen are some of the most unfriendly around.
2005 GSF1200SZ
1983 GS750ED
1992 900SS

"The quality of the kite matters little, sucess depends upon the man sitting in it" Manfred Von Richthofen

Offline Desolation Angel

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #56 on: November 22, 2005, 11:21:22 AM »
Quote from: "2005B12S"
...I go to Plano for parts and to brouse but I would never buy a bike from them. Their salesmen are some of the most unfriendly around.

Ah, but the parts girl.  A nice distraction. :grin:

Offline 2005B12S

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #57 on: November 22, 2005, 02:22:43 PM »
You noticed that too  :lol: very nice eye candy

It's pretty obvious why she got hired, she knows nothing about bike parts

Now they need to replace the sales team-reduce the snob quotent and get some real bike guys.
2005 GSF1200SZ
1983 GS750ED
1992 900SS

"The quality of the kite matters little, sucess depends upon the man sitting in it" Manfred Von Richthofen

Offline Desolation Angel

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #58 on: November 22, 2005, 03:09:26 PM »
Quote from: "2005B12S"
You noticed that too  :lol: very nice eye candy

It's pretty obvious why she got hired, she knows nothing about bike parts

Now they need to replace the sales team-reduce the snob quotent and get some real bike guys.

Hey, if you were hiring for an unskilled position, and this rather attractive 1% body fat young chick walked in with jeans that barely, only barely, covered her "little princess", don't try to tell me you wouldn't fall all over yourself hiring her! :lol:

I would've! :lol:

I like Preston OK in the service department, too.  Just not in the same way...

Offline broncbob

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #59 on: November 23, 2005, 02:54:54 PM »
i'd liked to see a complet re-do, new alum. frame,inverted fork, a really warmed up mill,a great rear shock, all wraped up in neked body work. i'd like to see the s model with great sport/tour perfomance with the naked be'n just this side of full on croch rocket power. lets face it your not buy'n the n for your full time sport/tour duty, your get'n it to have fun on and put in to sport/tour mode when the needed. i would all so like to see them injected!
i'm to young to go that slow!