Author Topic: US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?  (Read 10973 times)

Offline PaulVS

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #60 on: November 23, 2005, 03:00:39 PM »
Quote from: "broncbob"
i'd liked to see a complet re-do, new alum. frame,inverted fork, a really warmed up mill,a great rear shock, all wraped up in neked body work. i'd like to see the s model with great sport/tour perfomance with the naked be'n just this side of full on croch rocket power. lets face it your not buy'n the n for your full time sport/tour duty, your get'n it to have fun on and put in to sport/tour mode when the needed. i would all so like to see them injected!

That would be a "Hayabusa S/T"... not a Bandit.   :wink:

Offline Red01

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US RIDER Poll/Do you want to see the new 1200 here?
« Reply #61 on: November 23, 2005, 08:43:10 PM »
Quote from: "broncbob"
i'd liked to see a complet re-do, new alum. frame,inverted fork, a really warmed up mill,a great rear shock, all wraped up in neked body work. i'd like to see the s model with great sport/tour perfomance with the naked be'n just this side of full on croch rocket power. lets face it your not buy'n the n for your full time sport/tour duty, your get'n it to have fun on and put in to sport/tour mode when the needed. i would all so like to see them injected!

I think that bike is in the very near future (late '06 or an '07 model), at least in the naked version. Imagine the look of the new (not for the US) GSR600, add inverted forks and a Hayabusa based mill. Basically the look of the B-King show bike with mods to make mass production practical. In case anyone forgot what the B-King looks like:

2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS