Author Topic: Weird weather  (Read 3520 times)

Offline Red01

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Weird weather
« on: November 27, 2005, 09:14:05 PM »
Getting ready to head into work today and thought it would have been a nice day to ride in - beautiful blue skies, temps in the upper 30's - but since I had to drop off a B12 stock can & midpipe at Bobcat's place and drop off a bunch of clothes one of my daughters left behind yesterday, I drove the "new" Jeep pickup.

On my way up the island, I started noticing several cars with snow on them. At first, I brushed it off since the mountains and their ski resorts aren't THAT far away, but when I saw a local aid truck go by with snow on it, I started to wonder. A mile or so after seeing the aid truck, snow started to appear on the shoulder, but just a light dusting. (Our first snow of the season down here at sea level.) As I continued north, the snow on the ground got heavier intil there was just two strips of wet pavement in each lane, everything else was white. A little further, and it was actually snowing. As I left the island, the snow turned to hail. When I got to the east side of Stanwood, it was a rain/snow mix. When I got to the freeway, it was pure rain. As I got closer to Everett, the rain stopped and the sun was back out, pavement dry.

Shortly after getting to work, was listening to the Seahawks game on the radio and they made an announcement there had just been a THIRTY car pileup on I-5 right by the exit/on ramp I use to commute off of.

I guess it was a good day to leave the bike home afterall.  :banana:
(And perhaps a good day to be driving a 4x4, even though I never had to engage it this afternoon - might need it on the way home though.)
2001 GSF1200S
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Offline txbanditrydr

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Weird weather
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2005, 09:34:41 PM »
We were heading towards the 80's today with partly cloudy skies and just enough color on the trees to make a 200 mile ride picturesque.  Although the winds were honkin' at 20 - 30 miles and hour you couldn't beat the temps.  [The Bandit sure is smooth at 90 with a 30 mph tailwind  :wink: ]  The skies were getting puffier and darker looking but didn't look too threatening.  I got home and checked the radar - it was storming where I had ridden just 30 minutes earlier.  Then the line of storms got their act together and blasted us with nickel size hail and rainfall rates nearing 4" per hour.   :shock:   Now the skies are clearing and looks like a great riding week.  Yup - weird weather indeed.
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Offline speedytriple

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Weird weather
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2005, 12:08:12 AM »
like weird weather move to cleveland?!!  :lol:  lets see i rode to work on this past tuesday. cold near 45 high but sunny. got home in the 30's wake up the next day to 4 inches of snow.  snows over the holidays and now on sunday it was 55 in the am and now near 60 at midnight? monday is a high of near 70 but by tuesday it is snow and 28? i get this all winter long.

Berea, Ohio
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Offline Red01

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Weird weather
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2005, 01:50:52 AM »
We get weird day-to-day weather all the time, but all this was in a span of 45 minutes/45 miles.
2001 GSF1200S
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Offline tacoman

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« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2005, 05:59:22 PM »
I saw that wreck on the news. Mangled metal as far as you could see!  Down south here it was warm and sunny.  Went for a quick ride and watched the Hawks game with the back door open.  I had to close all the blinds to see my tv.  Supposed to get more white stuff so be ready, idiot drivers by the hundreds here!