"Stealers" are everywhere - it's "Dealers" that are hard to find. I like to visit different places when I need parts for El Bandido. I look for 3 things: - Is the part in stock or is it available in less than a week? - Is the price reasonable? Is the parts counter staff knowledeable and courteous?
What you ought to do is to check the yellow pages for "Bearings" or "Ball Bearings". Many cities have specialty bearing shops. This is where all the mechanics go for the bearings they use on repairs. I went to a place in Morristown, NJ, for a set of flanged bearings needed in an ancient Sears' jigsaw. They had 'em, and the place was literally crammed with mechanics buying bearings. I never heard the parts guys say "No, we don't have it" or "we can't get it". Amazing! By the way, the jigsaw runs like new 15 years later.
Finally, NEVER let a mechanic install a bearing by directly tapping it with a hammer. Many bearings are ruined during installation that way. Always use a piece of tubing or a socket that's the same as the bearing OD (Outside Diameter) between the bearing and the hammer. Absolutely NEVER try to seat a bearing by directly tapping around the outer edge of the bearing. Also, wet the bearing and the bore it's going into with 3-in-one oil. Some bearings are chamfered only on one side: This side goes in first. The Haynes manual has a lot of info in chapter 6 on wheel bearings.
P.S.: Coffee will drive you insane. One beer helps the work go better when fiddling with machinery.
Just an update,
I wish I had done the repair myself. 2 weeks and still no wheel. I stopped by the dealer as I was passing by thinking it should be ready but NNOOOO! they got the wrong damn parts in and they still don't have the right ones yet.
Anything else I need done to the Bandit will be done elsewhere from here on out. After the $80 oil change I should have learned my lesson with those people. I'm a slow learner I guess but I have learned. I'll let y'all know when I get the wheel back and how much it ends up litening my wallet.
P.S. Gyro I don't drink much beer but true punishment would be to take away my coffee pot