It never fails, something I need to get a picture of, and the camera isn't anywhere nearby...
As some of you may know (if you read the location info), I live in Florida. In fact, just north of Daytona beach. There was this little thing down south of us today called a Hurricane. Well, up here it wasn't so bad, just a lot of rain and some 50mph wind gusts. Only a few branches down, no biggie.
Anyway, I had to head to work this morning at 7:30, which is just about peak storm time. Not a lot of people on the road, which was probally a good thing, since it was raining pretty good. Almost to work when something I never thought I'd see happens...
An old guy on a Harley pulls out in front of me, and takes off down the road. I ended up following the guy, who's not wearing a helmet, for probally a mile and a half. In that time frame, he was blown into the oncoming lane four times, and ran through a section of road that was flooded a foot and a half deep, which he hit at about 35mph and somehow managed to keep going.
Dumbass! You don't ride a motorcycle in a HURRICANE