Author Topic: Who uses GPS?  (Read 5264 times)

Offline Banditboy600

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Who uses GPS?
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2006, 06:58:37 PM »
Garmin Quest 1, can withstand vibration, is waterproof, small, battery back up, and come with software to "plan" your own route!  I have one, it's great!
Kevin R
'02 Bandit 600S (sold)
'05 FZ1 silver

Offline jfudo

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Who uses GPS?
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2006, 11:52:52 AM »
I have a Garmin Quest, without any maps, only towns and cities.  I think it is more fun that way.  I mounted it to the center part of the handlebars, angles just right so it isn't in the way of any gauges.  If I have a certain destination, some town, I do a search for it, and the unit maps the town.  I then set it where it shows a straight line from where I am to the correct town.  Then I know to follow that general direction and eventually I'll get there.

The benefit of doing this is that I'm not afraid to take some backroads that look fun but I don't know where they go.  I still have the adventure of getting lost too.

I also live in the fingerlakes in NY, where almost every road is a backroad...