Author Topic: why are motorcycle disc brakes so expensive  (Read 10435 times)

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why are motorcycle disc brakes so expensive
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2006, 08:05:18 AM »
I picked up a extra set of rotars on a wheel I bought. Its been a few yrs. now,I wanted a extra set of rims for my track tires. I picked up the front rim w/ rotars ...(trying to remember).. $130. (or close to that.) The back rim came w/the rotar too,and that was a little over a $100 too.  Got them both off Ebay.    Dan

Offline H2RICK

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why are motorcycle disc brakes so expensive
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2006, 11:29:41 PM »
Well, gents, keep in mind that Suzuki doesn't make the braking system stuff.
In fact, on my '06 B12S the brake setup is kind of a parts-bin-special lashup.
The front calipers are made by Tokico with the master cylinder by Nissin and rotors look like Nissin stuff. The rear setup has a Nissin master cylinder and caliper and the rotor also looks like a Nissin item. All the hoses are by Nichiren as per every Japanese bike ever made with hydraulic brakes.
What this all means is that these are all buyout items for Suzuki, the same way that a lot of items are for every automotive-type manufacturer. In turn, this translates into 3 levels of profits along the way......Nissin/Tokico/ let's not forget the shareholders of Nissin, Tokico, Nichiren and Suzuki....and possibly the dealership as well....although most dealers are not listed companies....yet. Throw in the "low volume" and "quality required" adders and it's pretty easy to see why motorcycle parts cost so much. I don't see much to complain about when all is said and done.......
Let's keep in mind that NO motorcycle is a must-have item or, as the squid bike boys say, you gotta pay if you want to play. :wink:
Ignorance is curable. Stupidity is terminal.
2006 B12S (my new LD road ride)
1976 Suzuki GT550A Mint/Stock w/5K original miles
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Offline KX5000

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why are motorcycle disc brakes so expensive
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2006, 11:46:29 PM »
Geez, Landry I wish you had posted this sooner, I just ordered picture frame rotors from bike bandit. com last night. Now I find out they aint gonna work. I hate when this happens! :monkeymoon:
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Offline Landry

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why are motorcycle disc brakes so expensive
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2006, 09:05:03 AM »
You could always have them machined into piston rings or something.  :roll:   :grin:
Ever noticed that they don't make helmets out of bone? There's a reason.