Author Topic: Why did crash bars go away?  (Read 8048 times)

Offline Desolation Angel

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Why did crash bars go away?
« on: September 26, 2005, 01:58:11 PM »
I know you younger riders will laugh at me about this post, but my last bike before my Bandit was a 1978 GS750E.  What a screamer!  Anyway, one of the first things I did was to put crash bars on it.  Here's a pic where you can see what I'm talking about...

So, I instinctively knew that these would protect the bike in various circumstances from a driveway drop to losing it in traffic...and they did.  Most importantly, they saved me (or at least my legs more than once).  I got side-swiped by a pickup once and my crash bar hit first, kept my leg off the truck, then bounced me back on my way.  Another time, doing something stupid, I took a 90 degree turn at over 40 mph, went up the curb, across a sidwalk, yanked the bike hard left and slammed into a high cinderblock wall.  Crash bar hit first, dug out a 5 foot long gash in the wall, then back into the street it sent me, shaking my head and swearing, but unhurt.  And no damage to the bike.

Long story, I know, but until last summer I'd gone 23 years without a bike.  When my wife lost her mind and finally let me get one, the first thing I did was start looking for the same type thing for my 1200S; I hadn't forgotten all the "saves" those previous bars had gotten me without ever even bending!  Imagine my surprise to find that there was no such thing! :shock:  :shock:   Oh, I learned about frame sliders and put those on, and I learned about the Suzi and Givi so-called case protectors, but my feeling is that neither is actually going to save my legs in a crash or slide...maybe keep the rest of the bike just barely off the ground, but not help me, personally.

Hence my question.  Why did these go away?  They used to be available for literally every brand and model.  Everybody had them, it seemed.  And they will do a way better job of PROTECTION, than this new itty-bitty stuff.  What's the deal?  Call me nuts, but I think chrome ones or powder coated black ones would look cool on bikes today, if shaped correctly and modernized aesthetically a little.

I miss them! :sad:   I'll never feel as secure as I used to.

By the way, that's me, my aunt, and cousin getting ready to cruise the neighborhood. :grin:  And, yes, that's a cast on my throttle hand/arm.  Nothing could keep me off my bike!

Offline B12Teuton

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2005, 02:15:58 PM »
They are still around, but now the are called engine or case guards.

They are not quite as large anymore since those oldschool ones limit ground clearence in turns.

The new style ones are sometimes problematic because or quality issues where the welds break from the vibration, and in the case of a tip-over, they don't do much.

A better solution are the NRC engine case covers which replace the OE untits and can withstand a crash/slide and are easy to raplace.
ATGATT (all the gear all the time!)
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Offline mike

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2005, 02:22:08 PM »
mmm.. good question...  I never see them on newer style bikes either...  maybe an increase in protective gear technology, and I guess most newer bikes (except cruisers) have a pretty steep lean angle...  who knows...

Offline Red01

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2005, 05:08:16 PM »
Quote from: "B12Teuton"
They are still around, but now the are called engine or case guards.

He said he knew about those. He's wondering about the bigger ones like he had on the GS. (I had the same ones on my GS750, too.)

My guess is since the Bandit is designed as a sporty standard, vendors figure a big bar like that wouldn't sell. That style IS still available for cruiser style bikes. The Bandit's motor is narrower and tucked in more than on the old UJM's, so in order to give you the leg protection offered on the old UJM's, it would have to rob you of cornering clearance and most folks don't want to have both tires levered off the ground in a corner from a big crash bar.

I'm sure if you wanted something like that, a welding shop could fab you up a set as they're pretty simple.
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Offline banditII

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2005, 07:27:42 PM »
I enjoyed your post Herb!   I'm 43 now.  I had a 1980 Suzuki GS550E which was only a downsized version of your 750, same instrument pod and all.  I had those same crash bars on my bike and they had what I called "highway pegs" on them too.  I have the Suzuki engine case gaurds on my B12 but I just found out that mine touch the pavement before the pegs do.  Not so good.  Of course mine are unlike what your speaking of.  I'm going to sell mine, maybe.  Anyway, whatever you do, it's advisable to check into the cornering clearance.  Your a re-entry rider like myself.  It was a good while before I was confident enough to drag knees, so it depends on what your going to do in the curves, how aggressive you get.  Those big crash bars may work just fine, they look like they would provide decent clearance, just an armchair judgement by looking at your old 750.  Back when I had my 550E I never cornered hard.  Hey, my bike told me right quick to slow down in the curves.  This is what supprised me most about modern bikes..........the handling.  From 1980 to 2000 there was a huge leap forward in motorcycle handling.  Good luck!

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Offline billster

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2005, 07:32:24 PM »
Coming from a slew of 70's touring bikes I thought the same thing when i first bought the B12Nekkid.  But the way I'm throwing this thing around corners they'd be dragging all over the place.  I'm gonna go the NRC case and frame slider route (eventually).

Things change....for the better?  Whatever happened to HippoHands?  Whatever happened to master links in chains?  Whatever happened to women with pubic hair?  :duh:


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Offline banditII

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2005, 08:54:27 PM »
Quote from: "billster"
Things change....for the better?  Whatever happened to HippoHands?  Whatever happened to master links in chains?  Whatever happened to women with pubic hair?  :duh:

I don't know.  I'm still getting over the loss of those Rockum Sockum Robots.  And remember......."Weebles Wobble but they don't fall down".

Riding motorcycles..........and loving it! :-)


Offline Desolation Angel

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2005, 10:07:06 PM »
Quote from: "billster"
...Whatever happened to women with pubic hair?  :duh:


I hear that!  At least a little two inch wide landing strip for personality, please! :lol:  :lol:

OH, and I long already went the frame slider route.  I just wondered and thought I'd mention it. :thanks:

Offline turbo-bob

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Crash bars
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2005, 10:30:38 PM »
I most cases, the "crash bars" are found on cruisers now.

The sport - sport/touring bikes use sliders. Some manufactures
are still making "crash bars" but they are far fewer than before.
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Offline Red01

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2005, 02:14:30 PM »
Quote from: "warren renshaw"
Quote from: "billster"

Things change....for the better?  Whatever happened to HippoHands?  Whatever happened to master links in chains?  Whatever happened to women with pubic hair?  :duh:

I don't know.  I'm still getting over the loss of those Rockum Sockum Robots.  And remember......."Weebles Wobble but they don't fall down".


That stuff is still around, boys!

Hippo Hands (OK, not the original, but an improvement on the idea.)

Master links are still around. Only the factories use endless chain (and they did that on my new GS750 way back in 1977, too). Most folks won't trust a clip style master to the kind of power of a B12, but some do.
:btw: Rivet type master links are still master links.  :wink:

I saw Rockem Sockem Robots in my local Toys-R-Us the other day when we were in there shopping for a grandkid's birthday.

Just saw a commercial on TV the other day for Weebles... and guess what, you can find those at Toys-R-Us, too!

You can do your own searches (real or www) for women with pubic hair, I'm sure there's plenty of them out there - from "landing strips" to "jungles."
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Offline mike

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2005, 05:34:47 PM »
Quote from: "Red01"
there's plenty of them out there - from "landing strips" to "jungles."

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
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Offline billster

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2005, 03:43:11 AM »
THERE'S those Hippo Hands!  Seem much lighter now and model-specific.

I'll vote for bush ANYDAY!

Anybody see the prices the beloved Remco Bulldog Tank is bringing today? Shoulda kept half my old shit...I'd be polishing an MV Augusta today.  :shock:

 :motorsmile:  Bill

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Offline Robin_good

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2005, 02:44:13 AM »
I still would like to get the guards.

I am old, returning rider and use to have them.

The most strong looking in my opinion are from rentech.

I think they will protect the leg somehow. I'd prefer wider but having them made is a pain. It is not as easy as it looks...

As for clearance, I am not a racer and pretty conservative.

I also used to ride on dusty roads and on old fashion tires. Those would give up pretty quickly, and I still do not trust the new ones.

Yes, I do see people cornering at unbelievable angles but I am not sure I am up to it. Call me chicken :)

I drive cars as a pro (several race classes and races.) I can dance in a car ;)

As for the bike, I do not conceder myself a pro and better be slow then sorry :)

I want F. old fashion guards!

Offline Desolation Angel

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2005, 10:21:29 AM »
Quote from: "Robin_good"
Yes, I do see people cornering at unbelievable angles but I am not sure I am up to it. Call me chicken :)

I used to be, too.  What they do now could not be done on my '78 GS750E, nor on my '80 FXS Lowrider.  When I first got the Bandit I was pretty cautious for the first few months while getting my bike legs back, but at some point, based on what I read here, I started carefully pushing the bike over more and not slowing down as much for a turn and damned if those tires didn't stick like glue and just swing me through the turns.  It's kinda fun and throw in plenty of counter-steering and those Metzlers amaze me.  I don't know if they came on the bike stock, but I do know I'm putting the exact same model of Metzler on when I need new tires!

Just go slow with the lean angle increases and over a period of days and weeks you'll start to get a feel for it.  Still beware of wet/damp road conditions, though.

Offline billster

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Why did crash bars go away?
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2005, 10:22:13 AM »
BTW:  Sorry to have hijacked the Crash Bar thread here with the pubes thing.
Related posts have since been edited out - Admin

In the 70's it was cool to try and ramp up the Jap standards to emulate the big Harleys with bags, windshields and crash bars.  I know...I was there too...and those big crash bars saved a lot of grief a few times.  Absolutely no problem if you're comfortable with them and value them and if they fit your riding style.  As for leg protection, I've been down a few times (in really lousy weather) on bikes that had these big bars and you separate from the bike so quickly, leg protection is really a non-issue.

Enjoy your Bandit!  :motorsmile:
The older I get, the better I was.

'03 B12N
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