Author Topic: Woot! I got it today!  (Read 9446 times)

Offline ZenMan

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Woot! I got it today!
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2007, 10:57:52 AM »
Quote from: "Frisk Fisk"
As Red and Zen are both overexposed as contributors and have plenty of opinions of their own (both are sometimes helpful), I don't see why they have to get crude when Gunner gets on his horse, even if I don't agree with him.  It just drags down a really good forum. I reserve that kindof language for the phone company.

You should also reserve your judgement until youv'e been around long enough to know the whole story. No offense.

CWO has been trashing the '07 B1250 since I joined this board. He knows nothing about the bike itself, and does it solely for the purpose of being annoying.

He's been asked numerous times to cease and desist, but seems incapable of mature behavior.

Red01 is the Site Administrator, and a very fair one, I might add. If you see him resort to such an extreme statement towards a member, you can be sure that member deserves it.

I know what it looks like on the surface, and believe me, no one wants an end to it more than I do. I've tried more times than anyone knows to shake hands and befriend CWO through PM's, only to find more of his snide little pokes and jabs the very next day. It would try anyone's patience, and we've run out. Hence you see our reaction towards the guy, but you know nothing of the all the crap leading up to it.

All that has to happen is for CWO to drop his childish and ridiculous vendetta against the new Bandit and against me, and there would be absolutely no problem. I don't hold grudges, this guy seems to thrive on it.

So if you think Red or I are responsible for "dragging down the forum", you are wrong. Talk to CWO. If everyon puts enough pressure on the guy to clean up his act, maybe he'll stop. If I know Red, it's going to stop one way or the other anyway, it's up to CWO how.
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Woot! I got it today!
« Reply #31 on: May 22, 2007, 04:22:31 PM »

Offline Red01

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« Reply #32 on: May 22, 2007, 05:23:30 PM »
I'm not too sure how your First Amendment rights apply to a CANADIAN owned & hosted site.  :lol:

Just try that First Amendmet line over at Maximum Suzuki.  :wink:
You will quickly be reminded the site is privately owned and you're a "guest in his house" and if you want to argue with him over it, you'll find yourself evicted. And he has a point. It's his place and his rules and if you can't abide by them, then he's got every right to give you the boot.

I don't think anyone here wants everyone to agree with them, different opinions are fine and welcomed. To the best of my knowledge, no one here has even been kicked out (besides spammer scum). I have issued a few warnings and only one temporary ban in the years I've been here and I really hate to have to go to those measures. All in all, it's been a pretty polite board, without having to resort to extreme measures. I feel that's one of the things people like about it. I just want it to stay that way.

 :btw:  :deadhorse: over and over on the same subject qualifies as belligerance in my book.

You have repeatedly aired your distaste for the 1250 in several threads and offended folks in doing so. It's time to let it go. (Actually, way past time - this isn't the first time you've been asked.) If someone posts about the pride they have in their new 1250 and wants to show off their new machine, let them. You don't have to like their bike, but there's really no need for you to tell us all that again. You can choose to not post anything, or just a simple, 'Congratulations on the new purchase.' and leave it at that. That's what I was trying to convey in the post with the STFU poster. While I thought it was humorous, others thought I was out of line with it's choice of words. For that, I apologize.
2001 GSF1200S
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Woot! I got it today!
« Reply #33 on: May 22, 2007, 06:26:10 PM »

Offline ZenMan

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« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2007, 06:58:08 PM »
Quote from: "CWO4GUNNER"
I don't think anyone would want to be evicted but I cant be denied such a basic principal even if it means loosing my position, which in the long run has and will always served me well. So just give me the word and a day to clear all my postings and I will dismiss myself sir.

This may suprise you, CWO. But despite the utter disrespect you've shown towards the B1250 and their owners, incuding me, I don't want to see anybody "evicted" from this board, including you. But I'm afraid that if you don't make some concessions in your behavior, that just may become a reality.

Are you incapable of posting your opinion without including some cheap shot at me or the new Bandit?

It is beyond me why you insist on your petty antagonism, when you see how much it does upset things here. Have you no respect? All I ever asked from you is to get the hell off my back, and leave me and my bike out of your juvenile and snide little smear campaign. I know full well that you bash the B1250 because I own one and you dislike me. But it's been going on for several months now, and we have many more B1250 owners here besides me. Enough is enough.

I'm going to ask you one more time, publicly.... right here out in the open:

Will you shake hands and call it even? Start from a clean slate? I'll give my word to stop any negativity towards you, even if I have to completely ignore you, if you promise to leave me out of your comments and refrain from trashing our motorcycles no matter how much you dislike it or dislike me. If we can't be friends, then at least we should be able to stay out of each others way.

We can end this, right here, right now.


Let the record show that I gave it my best shot, ya'll.
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Offline tannerismyhero

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« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2007, 08:15:30 PM »
I am gonna drink a beer and play guitar hero 2.
01 1200s

Offline Sven

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« Reply #36 on: May 22, 2007, 09:33:20 PM »
Quote from: "CWO4GUNNER"
The truth is I have never used belligerence on this sight or threats unlike a few of my debaters.

Gunner, I have at times come to your defense but on this issue in this thread, maybe you'll listen to me.

Regardless of how you perceive your online behavior, when several people repeatedly say you've crossed the line, then geez, *take it as valid feedback*!

I'd also like to point out:

(a) This thread was started by a new B12.5 owner who wanted to share his excitement.  Repeatedly pissing all over his new bike in his new thread is simply RUDE.  I have no problem if we don't all agree with ideas and content, but we need to do so in a friendly manner.  Hijacking a thread to denigrate someone's bike is not friendly.

(b)  Only a few people on this board, *not including me* have ridden a B12.5.  You know the old saying about opinions and assholes (everyone has one).  Only those who have spent some time on/with a B12.5 can really say much about them.

(c) ...Or we can read reviews.  While the B12.5 is too new to have had a thorough review in the US press yet, I have read several reviews in the Brit mags, and they say it kicks ass.  No, I'm not in the market to buy one, but if my B12 disappeared tomorrow, I would probably get one.

(d) It's called Bandit Alley.  It's for people who like Bandits.  If there is a problem with a Bandit (such as a model year that leaks oil), it's appropriate to discuss it here.  But if you're not in the market for a particular model, speak your mind clearly, when appropriate, and in the right thread.

(e) you even know what "freedom of speech" means?  If not, spend some time researching the concept before you start using it as a defense.

Bandit Alley is a community.  It doesn't seem like one when people are arguing.  I haven't met *anyone* on this board personally (well, a couple folks who have not posted here in a long time) but I would be pleased to do so.  I like everyone here--some more than others, but still....  Let's do what we can so that we can all continue to have such a great online experience.

2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
2010 Yamaha FJR1300A | Gin Tama | the silver bullet
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Offline Sven

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« Reply #37 on: May 22, 2007, 09:34:23 PM »
And now I have to go change the oil.  Tomorrow night is Bikes on Beale and Thursday morning I head out to see how much gas I can piss away on the back roads of TN and KY in five days.
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
2010 Yamaha FJR1300A | Gin Tama | the silver bullet
2002 Honda CRV | the dirt-colored car

Offline ZenMan

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« Reply #38 on: May 22, 2007, 10:03:53 PM »
I'd like to add one more note... a sincere apology to Leedogg for screwing up his thread.

Leedogg, I'm sorry this happened here, but it had to come to a head somewhere, sooner or later. I guess your'e the lucky winner.  :roll:

Hopefully this marks the end of this crap. Please don't judge this entire board by the behavior of just a few of us... there are a lot of good people here and it's a great place to be a Bandit lover!

Again,  :congrats: on your new bike!
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Offline Sven

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« Reply #39 on: May 22, 2007, 10:48:15 PM »
Quote from: "ZenMan"
I'd like to add one more note... a sincere apology to Leedogg for screwing up his thread.

I agree...while I don't think I initiated the deviation, my point was that *this was not the time or place* and it just kept going downhill.  Not that I think Leedogg is still listening....

...and yes I got the oil changed in about 15 minutes.  Only had time to suck down ONE beer!
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
2010 Yamaha FJR1300A | Gin Tama | the silver bullet
2002 Honda CRV | the dirt-colored car

Offline leedogg

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« Reply #40 on: May 23, 2007, 12:08:16 AM »
And I thought you were all posting cuz you liked me!

Just crested 300 miles!  Still excited everytime I get to ride.  Now I need to clean it up...getting dirty!
1996 Trans Am- Stock as a rock - NOT.  408rwhp/397rwtq.
2004 GMC Yukon XL - The family/Trans Am hauler
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2007 Bandit 1250S - first ever bike- I love it!

Offline Sven

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« Reply #41 on: May 23, 2007, 12:28:11 AM »
Quote from: "leedogg"
Just crested 300 miles!

Almost time for the break-in maintenance!

Quote from: "leedogg"
Still excited everytime I get to ride...getting dirty!

That's just engine vibration, you'll get used to it.

Say, do you work on a platform?  Just trying to decode your profile to the left.
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
2010 Yamaha FJR1300A | Gin Tama | the silver bullet
2002 Honda CRV | the dirt-colored car

Offline Frisk Fisk

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« Reply #42 on: May 23, 2007, 05:35:48 AM »
After the first paragraph or two, I didn't bother reading the replies my post stirred up.  It looked like it was going to be more nonsense.  My main objection was to the language and that still stands.  You guys can trash each other all you want if that's how you want to spend your lives (i.e. "get a life").  My interest in this site is sharing info about the Bandit and learning more about it.  I just don't want to see the F word on here when my granddaughter is looking over my shoulder.  Sorry now I contributed money and time.
What do we exist for but to laugh at our neighbors and be made sport of in our turn? (Jane Austin)

Offline ZenMan

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« Reply #43 on: May 23, 2007, 11:40:34 AM »
Quote from: "Frisk Fisk"
My main objection was to the language and that still stands. I just don't want to see the F word on here when my granddaughter is looking over my shoulder.  Sorry now I contributed money and time.

Sorry that your'e so quick to judge and condemn this entire board over just one bad word in one thread.  :roll:

You can search all over this board and I doubt you'll find another example. Not bad considering the rest of the internet.

Sounds like you've already made up your mind though... but I still hope you'll reconsider. I doubt it'll ever happen again.  :wink:
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Offline Red01

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« Reply #44 on: May 23, 2007, 12:54:58 PM »
Quote from: "Frisk Fisk"
I just don't want to see the F word on here when my granddaughter is looking over my shoulder.  Sorry now I contributed money and time.

Again, my apologies. I was out of line and let my own emotions get in the way of keeping the board's family feel outside the Clubhouse forum. I have gone back and edited the image to a link with a warning of what you'll find if you click on it. I left it as a link rather than deleting it completely so it would not alter the record of how things have transpired yet still be family safe.
Thank you for calling me on my poor judgement.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS