Author Topic: Woot! I got it today!  (Read 9448 times)

Offline rmtcook

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Re: Woot! I got it today!
« Reply #45 on: May 23, 2007, 04:47:55 PM »
Quote from: "leedogg"
Yep- I bought my 07 1250S today!  it is the non ABS,in black.

To get back to the business at hand, man that is one sharp looking bike! Thanks for posting the pics!
2003 Naked B12
Givi A600 Windscreen
Givi E36 Topcase
Ramsey, New Jersey

Offline banditone1250s

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2007 Bandit
« Reply #46 on: June 02, 2007, 05:59:13 PM »
Leedog, I got one just exactly like yours and I feel the same way about how it "mooooves"!!!! I am a buck 75 and it will hit 120 MPH in a Dallas minute and that it is only 19 1/2 seconds. fast fast fast!!!!! The first two rides that I took were 570 miles and 625 miles consecutively.. The seat was not as comfortable as my X-cruiser but My ass got accustomed real quick. What a sweet ride it is. Has to be the best value for 2007... Banditone1250s...
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Offline leedogg

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Woot! I got it today!
« Reply #47 on: June 02, 2007, 07:46:01 PM »
wow man!  those are long rides!  

My extra 125 lbs over you slow mine down a bit- but it is still plenty quick- as for bank for the buck...hands down IMO.  I sit on all the naked bikes out right now(Jap bikes anyhow)- and I was sold on the bandit just for the fit....but the tq is what really makes it an awesome bike IMO.  Unlike other bikes I have ridden- no need to downshift this bike...just twist the grip- and it lunges forward.

The seat has the hard spot in the rear of the front saddle- but once I learned to scoot forward a bit it is much softer.

Looking forward to some aftermarket stuff to get out now.;)
1996 Trans Am- Stock as a rock - NOT.  408rwhp/397rwtq.
2004 GMC Yukon XL - The family/Trans Am hauler
1992 Silverado - Future tow vehicle.
2007 Bandit 1250S - first ever bike- I love it!