Author Topic: You never KNOW!  (Read 2800 times)

Offline JReviere

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You never KNOW!
« on: May 06, 2007, 09:32:38 PM »
Standing with the corner of a tarp in my hand as my son and I pulled it in place to cover his boat ... the roof of the boat house leaks...  A jangling noise interruped our efforts as my phone went off.

For many years, an old friend from the GoldWing riding and camping trip days of yesteryear has run a repair shop for bikes and whatever in a series of old tin boat sheds on the back of his rural property near Lake Conroe, west of Willis, Texas. Today, as I was told, he was replacing a rear master cylinder on a GL1500 Trike.

When things happened no one seems to know. He was found with the Trike on top of his chest DEAD.  

Be careful folks... Be xtra careful when you've got a bike up on jacks, lifts or whatever... He'd had the Trike on a regular motorcycle lift when I as at his place about 4 days ago.  It wasn't tied down. It was just sitting there. Evidently as he was working on it, the thing fell on him and killed him.

Like I said:  YOU NEVER KNOW!

Live long and prosper!
Live Long and Prosper.

Offline Red01

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You never KNOW!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2007, 02:22:37 PM »
What a sad tragedy!

I can almost relate... in my younger/dumber years I was working under the front end of my car and had a jackstand under one side and the OEM "half a scissor" jack holding up the other side. While yanking on a stubborn part, I de-stabilzed the car and down it came. Lucky for me, only one tire was off. When it came down, the front cross member smacked me in the head, but after the rebound, I had just enough clearance to get out. Had both front tires been off, I'd have probably met a similar fate.

I was in the military at the time and this happened over a weekend. When I was standing in the Monday morning formation, our Captain came up to me and asked if I won the fight. When I told him the damage was from a car falling on my head, I don't think he believed me. He rolled his eyes back and said, "If that's the story you wanna use..." About an hour later, I got a call from the squadron safety officer. I had to come in and fill out a report on my stupid activity.

Be safe out there! Look in the mirror. The face you see is the person responsible for your safety.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline JReviere

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You never KNOW!
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2007, 02:40:37 PM »
Paul, I know what you mean about being young, invulnerable and STUPID.  

I was driving on a 2 lane tarmac road, too fast, hit some water with my left wheels, spun out, spun off the road, took down abou 75 yards of a farmer's barbed wire fence and scratched my relatively new (If a Second Lieutenant could afford a new one) car.  

On the following Monday, I had one of those "four chins interviews" with the Wing Commander. He asked a simple question: "Lieutenant, what have you done to insure this kind of thing won't happen again?"  I'd been clued in so I had an answer....  "Sir, I put all new rubber on the ground so and got rid of the old slick tires."  

I don't know how, but I got away with that one.  

For sure... that mug in the mirror is the responsible party.

Live Long and Prosper.