WOW! I'm impressed that so many posts were made to this topic given the category it was initiated in.

As has been previously said, I think a large part of the slow traffic has been due to the fact that many of us old-timers have moved on to other bikes and either don't stop by anymore, or don't stop by as often. I know that's MY reason. I've signed up over at the Concours Owners Group (COG), but like the FJR forum, it's not quite as friendly, however when they do jump on someone for not using the search feature, there's always at least one member that'll provide links to the older threads.
Gunner - I think Kawi must have made some steps in the right direction with the 2010 C14. I haven't had a single recall notice and the bike has been just as fantastic as my B12 - maybe even more so,, since it is quicker, gets better much gas mileage, has luggage and no chain maintenance.

I kept waiting for Suzuki to offer up a real sport tourer like the other three big Japanese companies, but that hasn't happened and doesn't even seem to be in the forseeable future, what with limited new 2010 and 2011 models. When I got the chance to pick up a '10 model C14ABS for dealer cost, I jumped on it.
A big

to all the 250 & 400 owners, they've been pretty much keeping the life going here lately. And this is still the #1 source for info for those guys as I don't think the other board has much activity for them.