Wow, Pete, do I feel like a Class-A jerk! I forgot to thank you for my 'Stich!
I appreciate the silver-on-silver color scheme, which matches my other gear, since there is no Aerostich de cerceta available.
I wore it one day to work, and then yesterday (Saturday) rode it out to Wolf River Cafe for catfish lunch, then on a loop up to Somerville and back down to Collierville. It was about 50 outisde, and I was a little cooler than I'd like, but I think a sweatshirt underneath would have been a smarter choice. I did learn how to slide out of the top and leave the bottom on so I could enjoy lunch.
Overall, I think I'll learn to rely on this suit for a variety of conditions...learning what works for various condition.
The Bandit Alley consumer test board has really come through on this one...and I got a lot of compliments...from the Harley perhaps we can get some kind of referral service going for the spike in sales!