Author Topic: Anybody ever used a heated vest?  (Read 6413 times)

Offline jbrough7

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Anybody ever used a heated vest?
« on: April 20, 2006, 07:15:01 AM »
Just about warm enough to ride here without my snowmobile pants on!  But I'm still thinking about the cold...everybody I know never rides below 10C which cuts out about 9 frickin' months of the riding season.  I want to ride my new bandit from March to November every year and drive a winter beater for the rest of the time.

Just talking to my brother-in-law and he says a heated vest is fantastic...warms the blood to the extremities so your fingers and toes are much better also.  Anybody used one?  Are they hard on the battery? Are they a ton of cash?  Can you get a 'groin' vest as well? :wink:


Offline oremike

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Anybody ever used a heated vest?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2006, 05:46:20 PM »
I have a Widder vest with a Heat troller controler. I like it very much. The amp drain is less than the high beam so I just use the low beam below 3,000 rpms, after that the alt puts out plenty of power.
Ride the roads that make you giggle in your helmet.

Offline ray nielsen

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Anybody ever used a heated vest?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2006, 07:36:33 PM »
I've used both electric vests and electric jacket liners for many years ato extend my riding season here in MN.

The Gerbing line has been my choice compared to the Widder brand and others.  I prefer their jacket liner (about $200).  It comes with a switch control, but I've gone to a Heat-Troller electronic thermostat for more control.

The jacket liner consumes 70 watts on high, less on lower settings.  Most modern bikes can handle that without strain.  Still, a voltmeter can show if you're discharging the battery.  

The jacket liner has heated sleeves AND a heated collar.  I put the collar under the helmet strap for a cozy neck and chin as well as warm body and arms.

Try <> for more information on their products.

Offline jbrough7

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Anybody ever used a heated vest?
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2006, 06:53:10 AM »
Thanks, Ray - I'll check it out -sounds good.

$200!!  Biking seems a little like boating - a hole in the water you throw money into - gotta love buying this stuff, though.
