This is a $56 Hard trunk from J. C. Whitney. It's no brand name you'd recognize! Overall, quality is OK, about what you'd expect for the money, but it's usable, and looks OK. I wanted a locking top box for times whe I'm running around town doing errands, and on some road trips, when you're stopping at public places...and stuff can 'vanish' if left on the bike. The box mounts easily to most racks, using a multi-holed plastic mounting plate, and 4 bolts. It is easy to remove, and the key must be used to remove it, or open the box.It will swallow up a full sized, full faced helmet. It's easy enough to switch it between different bikes, as long as you put the mounting bolts where you can get to them. On a scale of 1-5, I'give it a 3.5! OK quality, looks decent, inexpensive, may not last 'forever', but good for light or occasional use.Of course, if you're interested, there's a link to buy one on the bottom of this page...