Author Topic: Cold Weather Commuting  (Read 4696 times)

Offline Sven

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Cold Weather Commuting
« on: August 17, 2005, 06:54:38 PM »
It's hard to bring myself to type those words after completing another summer commute that begins with frying my nuts on a hot seat/tank that have been baking in the southern sun all day...

 work in a white-collar cube farm, so my work wear is lightweight and often dressy.  Towards spring and again in late fall, the commute home is so beautiful, but the ride in at 50 degrees is a challenge.  I have a Joe Rocket jacket and overpants but they leave a lot ot be desired.  First I have to take extra time putting them on, and then I become a bag of sweat between the time I get them on and the time I get outside.  Then the commiute is a little cooler in spots than I would like.  On arrive, it's a haul from the parking lot to the building and to my desk, where I become a bag of sweat again.  Then I have to unlayer in the aisle outside my cube and stuff all that crap under my desk.

All the mags swear by the Aerostitch suit, that is truly is an all-weather all-condition covering.  But it's so darn expensive!  I tried to rationalize that riding more this winter would save on gas, but I'd have to ride an additional 553 days to make it pay for itself...unless gas continues to escalate exponentially.

So...what experiences do we have with the Aerostitch?  Is it truly something that you can put on in 10 seconds (as they advertise)?  Is it something I can pull on over a dress shirt and pants and be toasty warm when it's 40 degrees outside...or even colder?  Are there alternatives that beat what I've already got?
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
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Offline Red01

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Cold Weather Commuting
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2005, 12:19:10 AM »
If you don't get much response on the Stitch here, check with the folks at Sport-Touring.Net
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline PeteSC

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Cold Weather Commuting
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2005, 08:43:13 AM »
I've talked to two riders who had them, and swore by them.
Spartanburg, SC
'99 Bandit 1200
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