Author Topic: Competition Werks undertail on '99 Bandit 1200  (Read 6982 times)

Offline mike

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Competition Werks undertail on '99 Bandit 1200
« on: March 12, 2005, 09:12:06 PM »
Quote from: "PeteSC"
Competition Werks undertail on '99 Bandit 1200
These are commonly available...from $115 to $130.
You pretty much get a couple of sheets of pre shaped, prebent, stainless steel sheet metal, and some hardware.

Installation isn't too difficult, took me about 4 hours.
I used some flat wrenches, and a 10mm socket, screwdrivers, a dremel tool with cutoff discs, and the little sanding drum...and a utility knife.

You'll need to dis-assemble the tail section. The seat, sidecovers, tail-light come off.

A couple of tips!
Measure the cut across the back of the bottom of the flat section of the fender carefully.
Instructions say 1/2 inch behind the last molded rib.
By the time I sanded the cut smooth...I was right at the edge of the rib. I found out later this will leave me with a slight gap between the end of the undertray, and the taillight.
Not real noticeable....but could have been avoided. A little dark tape on the inside or some weatherstripping should hide it.

Trial fit everything! Be prepared to take stuff off, and correct errors! It won't go together right if you don't have it 90% perfect.
My cut on the underside of the fender was a little uneven....the plate didn't quite snug up until I evened stuff up.
Get the underside of the plastic fender that's left symetrical.

On the old bandits, the new turnsignal stalk mounts are tucked up under the plate. With the turnsignals can't reach the two little screws under the rear of the side covers. Leave them off until the last minute, or attach them, and loosen the stalk bolt almost all the way.
The resulting slack will let you get to the screws.

I added two LED license plate lights to the undertail.
MY oem tag light is long gone! There is a round hole in the undertail to accomodate the OEM tag light. I'll cover it with something.....

Below a pix...
Clear Alternatives taillight and turnsignal lenses...
Rentec rack
And the Compwerks undertray


(Another thread!)
Competition Werkes Fender Eliminator Kit
Competition Werkes Fender Eliminator Kit

I installed this kit a few weeks ago on my 98 B12 and it turned out really good. All the parts are quality made and the directions are easy to follow. It looks really trick and definitely cleans up the rear end. You must do some cutting on the rear fender to install and it comes with a new plate light to replace the stock one. Worth the time and money.

Akbandit12 1998 Bandit 1200
Billy Idaho
(2/9/01 10:58 pm)
Fender eliminator

Where do you get this product, and how much?
(2/10/01 9:20 pm)
Re: Fender eliminator

I got it from Motorcycle Accessories Warehouse ($116+s/h) or you can get it straight from Competition Werkes. Prices range from $116-130 plus s/h. There are many more, but if you have a favorite place to shop, ask them and they can probably get it for you.

Brett 98 B12