Author Topic: Engine Guards AKA Case Savers  (Read 6440 times)

Offline mike

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Engine Guards AKA Case Savers
« on: March 12, 2005, 09:01:00 PM »
Quote from: "Red01"
Suzuki Engine Guards
(from the old board)
(6/12/04 6:19 pm)
Suzuki Engine Guards

 Well folks, thought I'd tell you that I just got done pulling the Suzuki engine guards off of my bike due to each side having at least one broken weld. If it were only one side it might have been excusable, but both, hell no. Just for y'all to know.


(6/12/04 7:20 pm)
Re: Suzuki Engine Guards

 Seems to be a common problem with the Suzuki brand guards.
Haven't heard of complaints from any of the aftermarket ones.

Paul W

(6/29/04 11:12 pm)
Re: Suzuki Engine Guards

 For what it's worth Zoomie,
I Too, have been greatly disappointed w/Suzies' case guards!!!!! This, after a reality check; on the NYS throughway...

{It was actually pretty funny!!} I'd dropped the Bike, after many witnesses.

(6/30/04 10:24 am)
Re: Suzuki Engine Guards

 I think Pete had that as well with his first set a couple of years ago.
Seems to be common, that's why I went with the NRC's.

Too bad I already sold mine Joey, they were brand new and I sold em for $100.

Don't get another set. Even if the welds hold up, the "guards" will bend in and can crack the engine covers they are supposed to protect in the event of a tip over. Straight up JUNK!


Ray Nielsen
(6/30/04 8:44 pm)
Re: Suzuki Engine Guards

 I'm using the Suzuki guards with better results, although I've only got about 6K miles on the bike this spring.

I tipped it over in a gas station with NO bending, just a bit of black paint scraped off. A touch up when home made them look okay again. I was NOT in motion when I dropped the bike, rather lost my balance on some very slippery gas near the pump.

(6/30/04 9:14 pm)
Re: Suzuki Engine Guards

 Jeeze... SOME PEOPLE really shouldn't post after downing a few w/the boys (Not that I do, mind you)!

Moving right along, yeah Suzuki's guards are caca. Go w/the NRCs. They're WAY beefy. I think I paid about $160.00 for the set.

(6/30/04 11:02 pm)
Re: Suzuki Engine Guards

 Ya, I'll be getting the NRC eventually, after this move is all done. They bother me a little bit because they don't blend well, but since I plan to pull my engine eventually to fix some mistakes and paint it, it won't be a problem.

(7/1/04 12:17 am)
Re: Suzuki Engine Guards

 They blend in almost perfectly on the silver 600 motor, and can be painted to match the B12 motor. Testors #1813 Black Pearl Metalic is as perfect a match as you're likely to find - and can be found in most Wal-Marts where they sell model paints.

Paul W

(7/1/04 8:24 am)
Re: Suzuki Engine Guards

 That's sort of an individual preferance thing.
They should blend well on the B6 in color, but not in texture. I thought about painting mine, but thought they looked much better raw on the B12. I like the contrast. Especially after I polished the paint off the cooling fins on the side of the engine.


(7/1/04 8:05 pm)
Re: Suzuki Engine Guards

 Yeah, I'd skip the SUz OEM guards if your're considering them.
I had two sets. One of the first set broke a weld. Bought a used set.....they got pushed into the engine case cover in a minor crash....puncturing the case, anyway!
Yeah, I think they helped in some minor 'tipovers', still aren't worth bothering with, due to the likelihood of them cracking welds, and not being much good in anything other than a minor 'tipover'.
FRame sliders, and NRC covers are what I'm using now.

Quote from: "Red01"
Case guards
(from the old board)
(7/19/04 12:09 pm)
Case guards

 Hey all,

Here's the deal. I want case guards for my 2002 b12S.
I ordered the Suzuki guards from Ron Ayers. Long story short, after almost 2 months, the guards are STILL on backorder, and the parts guy at Ron Ayers says that Suzuki may be discontinuing that part. I'm almost glad, since after reading the horror stories on this site about the Suzuki guards, I don't really want them anyway!

As for Ron Ayers, BEWARE!. I know they are a decent company. I live less than 29 minutes from them and I go there frequently. However, the total lack of communication and unwillingness to cooperate has really put a bad taste in my mouth. After a LONG 'discussion' with their parts manager, he agreed to cancel the order, but said that anything I ordered in the future would require a deposit of 25-100%.

Anyway, now I am back on the case guard market. What do you guys recommend? I am not interested in the NRC covers, both due to price and looks.

Mike P.

(7/19/04 2:26 pm)
Re: Case guards

Frame Sliders
El Wayne

(7/19/04 6:21 pm)
Re: Case guards

I'll send pix if you like. I too, started w/Suzie's OEM case guards. They SUCK!!!!!!!
The NRC's are twice as thick, & made better (Sand-Cast vs. CNC-machined). To the point, most racing org's require them. This is because they work...
After you've seen them. You'll believe, too  
(7/19/04 7:52 pm)
Re: Re: Case guards

 Painted up, most folks would never even know the NRC's are on your bike. Granted, they don't have the smooth finish of the OEM pieces, but they are a quality piece of work. IMHO, they look better than add-on tubes, but if they aren't your cup of tea, and the tubes are, that's fine by me.  

You might look into the Givi, Renntec or Holeshot pieces. They all seem to hold up well.


The Renntec looks about the same as the Givi and is available in black or chrome. They don't have a pic of the B12 one on their site, but here's one in chrome on a Yamaha:

Holeshot's are the most subtle and are made from solid stock instead of tube, which allows them to get away with the smaller diameter.

Paul W

(7/20/04 6:08 am)
Re: Case guards

 Yeah....I can't recommend the Suz case guards. I thoroughly tested a NRC/frame slider combo on my B12 by dropping the bike twice on one day at the last rally. Many onlookers assumed I was a klutz...but actually, I was doing 'product research'. I really was. I swear. Really. The NRC covers are proven in racing...and 'crash testing' by street riders. Adding some squidly frame sliders helps protect levers....mirrors...bodywork..a bit. Stuff that may not prevent you from continuing riding.....but hurts the wallet!

(7/20/04 1:32 pm)
Re: Case guards

 Anyone have a source for frame sliders for the Bandit?

The only ones I can seem to find are from E-bay, and I am not sure about the quality.


(7/20/04 7:01 pm)
Frame Sliders

Wild Hair has a few different ones.
BanditMania has some, too.

Paul W
