OK. The helmet actually arrived. Fexex dropped it off 2 doors down, and the person who got it by mistake, brought it over.
I'll let Fedex stew over this a while, and see how long it takes for them to figure out they lost a package, and have no idea where it is.
I won't file a claim, just interested if they'll ever do a follow up contact with me, and how long it takes.
Initial impressions of the CLMax....
It's equal or better quality than the more expensive Symax.
The face shield, (not the flip up chin/shield section) has several, firm, detents, so it may stay up in several postions...at modest speeds.
The shell shape is a little different than the Symax.
In the Symax, The biggest they offer is an XXL. If fits OK, feels fine,except a little limited space in the chin area.
The XXXL CLmax seems a little snugger overall, and maybe a little snugger around the top of my head. Not uncomfortable, just different.
There is more room in the 'chin' area. On the SYmax, I sometimes had to open my mouth a bit to close the front. Got used to it, but it's nice having more room.
The helmet foam may conform a bit with use. The Helmet is NOT uncomfortable.
Overall, I think it's a great buy at $150, and worth considering if you want a modular type helmet.
The shell shape difference may be in my imagination.
Like most helmets, it's wise to try one on, in your specific size, before you buy it.
FWIW, I have 3 (4 counting the trashed Symax) helmets. 3 in XXXL, and one in XXL.