Author Topic: Good Deal on Roadchrome Leather Pants  (Read 5324 times)

Offline jbrough7

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Good Deal on Roadchrome Leather Pants
« on: May 12, 2006, 07:40:36 PM »

I just picked up a pair of these off ebay and got them for $50 American.  They're brand new and for that price I wasn't expecting the best but the leather seems to be good quality.  I've never had a pair before and took the bike out right after they came.  I really couldn't believe how comfortable they were.  It's only 9C today so all of  a sudden I was warm as there is a lining inside.  The pants are very flexible and supple.

They have YKK zippers running about 8" from the bottom up the inside of the leg so they are easy to put on and off.

Only downside seems to be the shipping which is $30 American which seemed a bit steep to me - but then they were here in three days!

Store is in Sydney, on Vancouver Island, for those Canucks out there.
