Author Topic: Loobman Chain Oiler  (Read 7764 times)

Offline mike

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Loobman Chain Oiler
« on: March 12, 2005, 09:13:03 PM »
Quote from: "madmotorcyclist"
I have been using a Loobman Chain Oiler for about three months now and once I got it installed correctly, I love it.  It has cut my chain maintenance and cost drastically.  I find my chain and rear sprocket stay much cleaner and I don't have any problem with oil build up anywhere except the center stand.  The chain is always oily.  I had 10,000 miles on the chain when I installed it, and it now has about 13,000 miles.  I haven't had to adjust the chain since I installed it.  The Loobman drips oil on both sides of the chain, costs about $30, and is pretty much a fail safe system.

Joe Grove
Jonesboro, AR