Author Topic: My gear and stuff I'm actually getting this week  (Read 5593 times)

Offline mperetz

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My gear and stuff I'm actually getting this week
« on: March 21, 2006, 12:34:27 PM »
I'm not writing this to toot my own horn - since I'm a new rider (second season) - although I do commute to/from work so I've put on several thousand miles in my first season... I'm just writin it  so's in case somebody wants to ask if any of it seems decent.

Just in case anybody is interested in how this stuff is, I'm getting (or got):

Davies Odell Level 2 Forcefield spine protector - got it a minute ago - feels really nice here in my store at least...
Holeshot steering damper kit
OGK FF-4 helmet (to use when my Arai is just too hot)
Vanson perforated leather pants
Holeshot bar snake

Already have:
 a Holeshot stage 2 jet kit and slip on
Some other mod my mechanic did to the transmission which for the life of me I can't recall... because I'm a moron and not a mechanic.
Laminar Touring Lip
Oxford tank and tail bags
Some kind of yellow headlight I put in because I read the article on WebBikeWorld and thought that perhaps standing out from other headlights was an added safety feature.
I've also had the bike lowered since I'm short and had the tail modified so it looks nicer (I guess everyone does this stuff).

I wanted the blue light thingys on the wheels but I think the weight while they are spinning was probably going to damage the tires eventually - or the valves if that is what they are called.

As you can see I'm not exactly an engineer - but I go for safety and performance mods - as paradoxical as that may sound!

As for clothing I have a Vanson Suzuki leather jacket, plus some stuff from Brosh in Israel (hey- - they're my peeps) - and a FirstGear Kilimanjaro  - and some of those whatchamacallit jeans with Kevlar.
I also have the Daytona Shorty boots (love em).

Goddam it costs a lot to ride a damend bike! :-)

Over and out
Croton, NY

Auray Cheese Shop
1935A Palmer Avenue
Larchmont, NY

914-833-2071 (fax)

Matthew A. Peretz, Proprietor
Matthew Peretz
Auray Cheese Shop
Larchmont, NY

05 B12s with laminar touring lip

Offline Desolation Angel

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Re: My gear and stuff I'm actually getting this week
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2006, 02:53:49 PM »
Quote from: "mperetz"
...Some other mod my mechanic did to the transmission which for the life of me I can't recall... because I'm a moron and not a mechanic...

Added the ever desirable 6th gear?  Digital gear indicator?  :grin:

Offline mperetz

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nahh.. I'm not allowed to go fast anymore
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 03:26:52 PM »
I got a ticket for 90 in a 55 here in Westchester County and I still haven't seen the fallout for that (it was in my car) so I'm keeping it real these days - and trying to stay alive for my kids (and my wife I suppose :-) .

I know there is some ScottOiler thing you can add - but it looks complicated and would probably end up being double the cost of the unit once installed - that's just a guess based upon absolutely no knowledge, information or reason - :-)

I like to ride sort of fast now - but more safely than fast.
Matthew Peretz
Auray Cheese Shop
Larchmont, NY

05 B12s with laminar touring lip

Offline jbrough7

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My gear and stuff I'm actually getting this week
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2006, 07:37:46 AM »
I just saw those blue light thingies for the wheels and thought they were really cool - can you get them in red?

Offline mperetz

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not such good pants
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2006, 10:55:04 AM »
I got these Vanson perforated traveler pants from a Web site that I won't mention because so far I like them - but the pants literally ripped near the crotch on the perforations.
Matthew Peretz
Auray Cheese Shop
Larchmont, NY

05 B12s with laminar touring lip