Author Topic: National Cycle 'Cheetah' windscreen  (Read 6893 times)

Offline mike

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National Cycle 'Cheetah' windscreen
« on: March 12, 2005, 09:21:42 PM »
Quote from: "PeteSC"
National Cycle 'Cheetah' windscreen
 Initial impressions:

Fits OK. Didn't have to do any drilling, but wasn't as pre-shaped as well as my UGLY Rifile. No big problem...just a little fumbling.

Looks good...
Got the DARK tint.
Slightly taller than the stock screen. There is a little 'flip' at the top.

Was cheap!
$40 from J.C. Whitney.......(which is also a Bandit Alley sponsor, so the site gets a little commision!)
You can order one by clicking on the J C Whitney button , and entering part number 01JS2703W in the MAster Site search box, for the light smoke,
and part number 01JS2920W for the Dark as pictured.
Please confirm the parts numbers are correct before ordering!
These fit the older style bandits.

Here are some pix......



So far, looks like a good deal! The RIFLE does protect well from weather and bugs, but is pretty ugly. I did post a review of the Rifle 22 inch screen in this forum. Check it for comparison of size, styling, etc.
This windscreen is about 1/3 the price!
Put 200 miles on the bike today with the new screen. Had moderate rain for part of trip. The Cheetah SST protects a little better than I expected. I didn't notice any weird turbulence.
I wore a full face helmet....and did notice 'wind noise' around my temple area. (may be the helmet, screen combo....not objectionable)
I'm happy with the screen, did hit speeds briefly of 115-120mph.

My suggestion is try to ride with a group of Bandits, and either swap bikes, or screens to see if there's one you really like.
There are a lot of personal height, riding position, helmets...etc.
The Cheetah is priced pretty reasonably, seems as sturdy as my much more expensive Rifle, and should be my primary windscreen from now on.

Edited by: PeteSC at: 8/9/02 9:48:32 pm
the roamr
Bandit BBS new BS'er
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(9/2/01 8:18 pm)
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 I took you advise and purchased the cheetah windscreen [dark smoked] . Looks good , not a perfect fit but it''ll do . With helmut works great , no buffetting , wind hits helmut only on the upper half . Makes long rides more relaxing . With-out helmut not as good noise levels have increased and sun glasses actually get pulled forward off my face . For $40 not bad , maybe I'll just wear my helmut more often . Oh in case your thinking about purchasing my height is 6'0'' w/ 35'' inseam ,this is so you know how high I sit on bike and the wind hits me from the nose up .
Bandit BBS new BS'er
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(3/3/02 10:56 pm)
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 I installed a dark smoke Cheetah last fall - the price was right, about $35 from Competition Accessories. The fit was lousy - it isn't curved enough to follow the shape of the bodywork and requires alot of force to hold it in place until the wellnuts are really torqued down hard. The screw holes weren't properly placed and took some filing to line up with the bike. At 6' tall, 32" inseam, the buffeting catches me right in the helmet for a very noisy ride.

On the positive side, the Cheetah is made of a thick chunk of plastic, appears very durable. The appearance isn't bad and it blocks a ton of cold air on chilly morning commutes.

Overall, the quality is about what you would expect at the price level. If National Cycle fixed the fit, they would have the bargain windshield to beat!
Posts: 1094
(3/4/02 7:58 pm)
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   Re: National Cycle 'Cheetah' windscreen
 Mine went on OK, although I got the feeling it had been 'smashed' a bit in shipping!
I'm always puzzled about the 'buffeting' issue.

I know it depends on height, riding position, and individual tastes....but I havent' really experienced anything unusual with the 3 screens I have.

(Except the wierd tank level tornado behind the rifle at 100 mph plus that moves the tank bag around!)

Spencer L
Bandit BBS frequent BS'er
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(3/9/02 8:15 am)
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 Hey Guys,

I have one (came with the bike) and I have been pleased with it. I did take it off once and had a heck of a time putting it back on. If I had not taken it off myself, I would thought it was not a good fit. Took some elbow grease and a few whispered unkind words, but it finally went back on and fits well.

Bandit BBS new BS'er
Posts: 5
(3/12/02 11:35 pm)
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 So is the windscreen you pictured here the one from JC Whitney?
Posts: 1127
(3/14/02 8:31 pm)
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   Re: National Cycle 'Cheetah' windscreen
 Yes..that's where I got it from....Good Ol' J C

Offline flip

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« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2005, 11:31:55 PM »
I put a Cheetah shield on my b6 and used it for one ride. The buffeting was so bad it blurred my vision if I got over about 65mph. When i got home, I put the stock shield back on and ordered a tall Rifle shield.

Offline tacoman

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« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2005, 01:28:16 PM »
I picked one up on ebay for $10 and actually glad I didn't pay more.  The tinted one looks a lot better.  Mine is clear, it looked better after I painted the lower portion black (Like the stock windscreen).  I found buffeting bad also.  It does keep cold air off in winter but it really is ugly.

Offline KoolDawg6

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National Cycle 'Cheetah' windscreen
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2005, 10:56:22 AM »
This is a response to Flip's comment on blurred vision over 65 mph. I have a 2000 1200S with a Zero Gravity windscreen. It is almost a sport bike size and I have not had any buffeting problems at all up to 90 mph. I was watching 2 Wheel Tuesday this past week and they were talking about sitting more upright at speeds over 150 mph on sport bikes and having vision blurring as you described. They said they were told to put some extra padding in their helmet and went back out and it totaly eliminated the buffeting. So it may be possible that your helmet is either a size or so to big or that your helmet padding is worn and needs to be replaced. Just a helpful hint I heard and thought I would pass along.

Offline PeteSC

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National Cycle 'Cheetah' windscreen
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2005, 02:31:00 PM »
As far as helmets, and windscreens go.....I think some people have unreal expectations, and different tolerances of 'buffeting'.

  The way you sit on a bike, your build, windscreen shape and hieght, your helmet, and the way it fits....are all variables that mean what works for somebody, will or may suck for somebody else.

  If you want a total lack of buffeting, there is a solution.

  It's called a

Spartanburg, SC
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National Cycle 'Cheetah' windscreen
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2005, 12:13:27 AM »
Pete, you've seen my cut down "cheetah"  I like it. Looks sporty, I get alot of buffeting if i'm following a big rig, but hell, I can still tuck down if i need to.