Author Topic: old school risers on bandit  (Read 6651 times)

Offline wiredgeorge

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old school risers on bandit
« on: April 03, 2007, 03:43:37 PM »
Put some old (70s vintage) risers on the Bandit. They raise the bars over 2". I think there are two common offsets for the mount bolts and these were slightly more narrow (possibly 33mm) where I "think" the bandit uses 35mm offset so I had to open up the mount holes on one end (lower/front). The bars don't touch the tank, lock to lock and I already had longer brake /clutch hoses. I did have to reroute the left switch gear wiring a tad due to length. These risers had been painted black and I removed the paint and wire brushed them a bit then clear-coated them with acrylic laquer to keep them from discoloring.

wiredgeorge Motorcycle Carburetors  Mico, TX


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old school risers on bandit
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2007, 04:08:29 PM »
Great! where can I get some?

Offline wiredgeorge

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old school risers on bandit
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2007, 04:20:10 PM »
These type risers come up on eBay now and again. Search only under "asian" motorcycle parts else you will be flooded with Harley risers. I do think that most any 7/8 riser will work; even the ones from a cruiser. These install by inserting a bolt from underneath where the bandit risers have the bolt inserted from the top. Most Harley risers use 3/8" bolts and the metric ones for cruisers use 8mm I think. The type I used isn't quite as common as the cruiser type.
wiredgeorge Motorcycle Carburetors  Mico, TX

Offline Red01

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old school risers on bandit
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2007, 09:51:00 AM »
Those look like GenMar Risers and they're still around and even offer a kit for the B12 that includes a longer front brake hose.
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Offline H2RICK

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old school risers on bandit
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2007, 12:08:52 AM »
I have a set marked "ETA" that are definitely '70's stuff and have been thinking about trying them. They are the same as Georde shows in his pic. However......the quality control back in the day seriously sucked and one set of holes is off-centre
in the part that fits in the stock mount brackets. They will take some reworking before they get put on....if i ever decide to use them. I'm seriously considering getting a buddy of mine to do an AutoCad drawing and then taking that on a disk to a machine shop and having them make me a set on their milling machine. I can do all the fancy radiusing by hand with a file to give them that "factory" look. Or maybe I'll just buy a set from
GenMar as suggested by Red01.  :grin:
We'll see....
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