I'm glad to see that some like minded people, have put aside the name and have given, the shinko brand ago. I've heard all the scare crap being spread by some people, for reasons beyond me.
And I see that in the American drag scene the shinko 001 and 003 are hitting the spot, in preformance and price, above a lot of the competition thats had it their way for too many years. Good to see, now lets see if the level of the bar raises again, from other companies, in both preformance and cost. I doubt it, but I live in hope. As I've said before I love the shinko product 009 rear 005 front on the 600 bandit, 005 rear on the zrx, a 005 on the front when I've got me moneys worth out of what it came with.
I have noted that when I first say to people "have you tried the shinko", most times, their nose turns up, but I'd love a dollar every time they have rung up with-in a couple of days, and are raving no end to how happy they are about the shinko, in both preformance and price. And considering some of these guys are total nutters on 2 wheels, and can and do out ride some 90% of the motorcycling population, it kinda makes the product look pretty damn good.