Ordered a set of Givi engine guards earlier this week from Cyclestuffusa.com. Came in today and was all excited to get home and mount them up.
The excitement was short lived. Started on the left side of the bike first. Noted right away that the fitment seemed to be a bit off, but those things happen. Second problem was that the upper mounting point is so damn close to the alternator that you have to force it in, otherwise the main wire will be in the way and prevent the bracket from getting flush. After dinking around for about 20 minutes I managed to finally get it lined up enough to start the bolts and thread them in.
Proceeded to work on the other side and fitment was still an issue, although no points of conflict between parts. Started on the lower bolts and one stripped out right away. Got it lined back up and was slowly tightening it up and the bolt head sheared off. Figured...ok....I can drill it out and replace the bolt but I'll leave it on for now. Went to finish up the last bolt which is a long one that runs through a linkage point. I swear after the other bolt I made damn sure it was lined up right. First nut went on ok, second one stripped right away....wtf.
At this point I decided to pull everything off and am calling the place I ordered them from to see about getting a refund. The guards themselves are of good quality, although then don't really feel "beefy" for their size. The problem with the fitment and the cheap ass bolts do not leave me feeling comfortable having them mounted to my bike. I know other guys have not had a problem with the Givi guards, but I for one am done with them. Just hope this company doesn't give me a bunch of grief because they've been "installed."
And to top it off my knee blew out out me again when I was finishing up. Took me about 5 minutes to finally get back up and pop my knee into place.
It's Miller time!!!!