WOOHOO! Thanks squishy and ventYl! She is pulling well, took her till 10500rpm last night
You are right, turns out the the airbox is an essential part

I thought it was only essential on two strokes

most my experience is from cars, so I haven't run into this air box problem before.
It ran surprisingly well till 6000rpm, as it does now with the airbox on.
Well I hoped you removed the toiletpaper from the carbs before starting it 

Due to load shedding I was unable to work any further (I am sure it has made global news due to Eskom's miss management) however I will check the emulation tubes for wear.
Currently it will be running rich, so I will return the needle to #3 and go from there.
The air filter is very dirty, almost beyond washing. seems like a previous owner put grease instead of oil on it. I will try and wash it, if it doesn't work I will buy a new one
Once again, thanks so much guys! You saved me from fiddling with other things that would have made it worse!

I have many more questions, but will start new topics accordingly