Well, talk about an interesting day!
I woke up this morning early to try and see if I can't richen my mixture a wee bit more and get rid of my top-end stumble. After an hour at 75mph I can tell you that I had no luck, she's still starving for fuel above 9000RPM
Today I had to run the bike to Orlando to have it checked out by a mechanic for this kid who wanted to buy it. The mechanic is the same guy who did the previous work on my bike, so I trust him. Anyway, I got there early with a big old grin on my face, and he came out and started checking it over. He was most impressed with the throttle response off idle with the new carbs, and after a few minutes finally turned to me and said, "You can't sell this bike, it doesn't leak, there are no rattles, we can make it haul ass"
So I'm not. In fact, I left it in Orlando at his shop. He can't get to it until the middle of next month, probally, but right now we're looking at valve adjustement, the GSXR front end installation, all new brake lines, new tires, full carb workup and a few runs on a dyno to get some idea of where we are with it. He's psyched about it and so am I. He's qouting me at $300-500 for the valve adjustment and carb tuning, which is what people here were qouting just to get the carbs setup. The guy knows his stuff, so I feel good about it. We've also discussed changing out the cams, or just degreeing the stock ones.
In his little inspection we discovered that the bike is starving for gas. The 33mm carbs eat fuel faster than the petcock is letting it out! He thinks we need to go up on the jets and figure out the fuel delivery problem (might be caused by low vacuum), possibly going to a gravity feed with a small fuel pump to boost pressure up. We also decided to pretty much toss the stock front end in the garbage and put this GSXR front end on, so if anyone wants a set of Bandit 400 fork seals that are new in their little baggies, let me know and I'll mail them out.
Man, I'm psyched. When a race-motor builder gets excited about working on your bike just because he thinks it's cool, it really gets your blood pumping!
So right now I'm looking for parts. I need to find some headlight mounts for the GSXR forks, I'm looking for cams (maybe) and possibly a GSXR400 igniter box. Anyone have a spare GSXR rear-shock laying about?
Ebay here I come