I bought this bike almost a year ago, and when I bought it it started (took a while 3-5 try's at least), and ran pretty good apart from a pretty big dip in the curve at about 6k rpms. I was told it needed a carb sync and that should have taken care of it, as well as a good carb cleaning. Sync'ed the carbs but it still was missing some power, so I took the carbs apart, dipped them and reassembled. Then I can't start the bike. So I let the bike sit for a few months while I was doing other things.
Now I try again this week. I've been working on it.
Symptoms. I'm getting intermittent spark, and when I lay on the starter it fires like on one or two cylinders avery 6-10 seconds, but it won't start up and run. I've ruled out the pickup coil/ignitors/wires/plugs.
Work done: I've already tryed spraying starter fluid into the bike...NO GO, so I'm ruling out the carbs and I believe I have a ignition problem.
I've read the problems with the CDI and I've already opened my CDI up and I'll be replacing the capacitors and transducers tomorrow at a local electronics store.
Bike has 16k miles on it, and is using 102.5 main jets (former owner said a carb kit had been installed). A/F mixture screws are 2 turns out.
If anyone can add any input on what could be wrong apart from what I have looked at.