thanks guys for the input. here's what i've learned: my bike is a CA model with a CA specific carb. suzuki doesn't supply the CA model needle jets any longer, but only the jets for the non-CA US model. the part number is different, but both jets are listed as "0-9". so i'm not sure what the difference is. i called the suzuki dealer to ask if the non-CA jets would cause a problem in a CA model carb, and the guy basically said "no-comment." but the bike is running lean, so my mechanic thinks that having the non-ca jets could only be a good thing, because with the CA jets it would run leaner. i wonder what the difference is between the two parts, i.e. if they have different part numbers and yet they both are size "0-9." maybe the problem now has nothing to do with the needle jets, but with the slightly modified airbox or the aftermarket exhaust. i was just hoping to reduce variables.