I just need to get one more set of float bowl o-rings, the ones that were in there were really dried out.
I thought i replaced those , before i sold them! measure them , thickness and diamiter , ill see what i got or can dig up and ill mail them to ya bro!
asap! about to leave for work , got a kz 1300 1982 i have to clean the carbs on today and rejet a suzuki madura gv 700 . 
Nah, don't worry about it. When I rebuilt the old ones I found that I can get the same O-rings from Ace Hardware in their 'assortied' package. Two packages will do all four carbs, and cost about $6.
You probally -did- replace them, but I've had them for at least 6 months with them sitting high and dry. They look like they just dried out. I pulled the float bowls off and the float assemblies just dropped out.
I did replace the jet needles and needle jets with the brand new ones out of the other carbs, the needles in the new ones are a bit longer but also a little thinner, and seem to work fine. I kept your massive 120.5 jets in there, since mine were 096s.
Heading out now to get the o-rings, gonna get back and charge the battery. Hopefully I'll have a report tonight on how it worked!
Im gonna do a documentary of the build of my b4 and put it on a cd , wich will include everything from building a complete motor , valve adjustment , frame up restoration , some custome fabricating. would like to sell them to sorta fund my racing. So if anyone thinks this is a good idea and have suggestions id like to hear them. My swing arm is on the way have the upside down front end , got a wire harness and inportant bolts from Jose coming got to put a motor together and locate a 04 gsxr 1000 subframe and plastics, tailight , battery tray, ect.!
Oh yes, I want one of those!