Hey everyone!
I am glad this forum still exists

Based on the date of the last post the Bandit has been standing for almost 5 years

It also means that 5 years later I still don't have the use of my finger. It is also the bandits 30th Birthday!
I do still plan on reviving the old girl, but for now it is in the same state i bought it in. A non runner, under a layer of dust being used to store stuff on top of.
I have over the past few years found replacement parts after the accident, the final part outstanding is one side cover. I think it is complete otherwise.
I did use the bike as is after the accident for a few months once I healed (and hit a pedestrian

), but eventually it lost compression on cylinder 3. I am not too worried, I am sure it is a valve seating/burn problem.
This thread will be revived!