thanks Squishy! Ok I think it must be the float needle valve and it overflows the engine, because if the bikes sits for a while it will start and run for 1-2 seconds.
Does anyone know where I can get the float needle part? If I search on 13250-10000 I get no results (from the service manual)
I also found these
What makes you think it's the needles?
If the engine is off (and petcock in ON/RES) there is no fuel going to your carbs so the float needles have no effect on this situation. That is if your tank petcock is functioning properly.. but that is very easy to check.
Too much fuel in the bowls would explain why it starts without choke, though.
So.. here's what I'd do, assuming everything is cleaned in the carbs now.
1. Remove the float bowls again and have the carbs upside down, wiggle the floats a bit and measure the floatheight as mentioned in the manual (I think it's 14.6mm +- 1mm). This is the height from the gasket surface to the top of the floatbowl.
2. Set mixture screws to 2x out from fully in (so 2 full turns)
3. Visually check whether the 4 butterfly valves are opened slightly and roughly the same. You can do this by looking from the front of carbs at the very small holes under the butterfly. Use idle screw ("throttle stop screw") and the sync screws in between to adjust.
4. Check whether the o-ring is under all vacuum caps.
5. While vacuum cap is off, check whether the choke mechanism opens all 4 plungers and closes them fully.
6. Put everything back together. Use fingers to check whether needle slide goes up and down freely.
7. Ps. You can check whether the float needles leak by putting in fuel/water, then connecting a transparant hose to the float drain and opening it up.
Hold/attach the hose in a U-shape upwards next to the floats. Once you open the drain it should fill the hose and stop right around the top of the bowl.
8. Don't forget the vacuum hose to the tank. If you use an auxiliary fuel supply close the vacuum hose off.
Use clean fuel and set petcock to pri. Wait 20s, use choke, no throtttle and start. Don't forget to set petcock back to ON/RES.