Well boys and girls, today marks the day that the bandit came alive. New to me signal generator yielded spark, finally. Bled out the rear master, still has a lot of throw but does lock up the rear on dirt. Currently running on a 1 gallon gas can with a hose fitting plastic epoxied to the bottom. Carbs were cleaned and new bowl gaskets, needle valves, and o rings on the top of the carb for the overflow cap things. One o ring was missing and that was where the fuel was leaking when i first tried to start it a couple of months ago. I ordered a new foam filter and spark plugs. Today at idle it would rev to 10k and stop. While riding it, it would hit 8k in 1st and 2nd, only 6k for the other gears. I could only go into the throttle just a little, and it wouldn't go faster. Any less fuel and I wouldn't have had any throttle. Kind of weird, but i'm hoping new plugs will be the answer. I only looked at the number 1 plug and saw that the cap for the connector wasn't screwed onto the top of the plug, only the threads were showing. Ill post back when the plugs and filter come in and let you guys know if she is running right.